Hidden King of Cups


This card keeps coming up in my readings for myself in a "hidden" position (e.g., what is invisible, what helps that I don't see, etc.) and it is reversed. I thought maybe it has something to do with a past life, but this must not be it or he would not be recurring.

Any ideas?



could it be an aspect of your personality you don't like/see in yourself? That's probably occured to you, of course.


Yes it has, and it is a bit of a Catch22, isn't it? I mean, if it weren't hidden I'd see it, but I can't so it is!

Is it me getting older (I'll be 37 in a few months)?


Since it habitually appears in the 'hidden' position & reversed, too, makes it more significant as a message of importance & to your benefit to know.

It could be something as simple as getting older having more of an impact than consciously realized, especially where the insecurities concerned.

It may describe characteristics, a trait, a situation or a self-image.
The following come to mind: Lack of emotional context or excessively emotional. Dependency. Narcissistic. A kept lover. Poor self-image or tendency to over-compensate.

Or of the prophetic, as a warning & may relate to another's characteristics, situation, so on: Beware the shell game. The too-good-to-be-true.

Btw: no offense intended with any of the above, please.


Well, the King of Cups upright can indicate a period where a man falls happily in love...

Maybe just the opposite is happening to you; however, you are either not ready to admit it to the world or yourself, or you don't even realize it yourself.

On the other hand, that King can also signify someone who has never been able to give his all for love (because of past hurtful relationships), though he talks a good game and is able to help others in their relationship pursuits. Maybe, you are finally breaking out of that binding and letting yourself really feel the love again...but it hasn't manifested in your consciousness yet???


Could be related to some situation whose emotional impact leaves lasting impressions. Whether of the figurative or actual stormy weather--such as the series of hurricanes which brought horrendous flooding & widespread destruction leading to folks feeling numbed or shell-shocked.

Edited to add: So that everything perceived as LBH (Life Before Hurricane) & LAH (Life After Hurricane).

Other examples: BC (Before Children) & AC (After Children). BD (Before Divorce) & AD (After Divorce).


The narcissism thing may have something to do with it! LOL And the hurricane things, too. Could this be failing health, as well? I am wondering if this is an actual person, though...

I was taught that court cards are always people, so maybe this is just my father, whose influence on us to move has played better than just a small bit realized by us. (My father completely excepts my partner and me for who we are.) And we will be a lot [geographically] closer after our move to northern Florida in May/June.



Got it

I did a Double CC reading about this and you were both right.

This is me at my current job, and I do not want to move out of the Miami area, or my school, because I love them both. So does my partner (who works at the same school). The problem is that we cannot afford to buy a house (a decent, non-condo, 3 or 4 bedroom type house with land) that is "us," if that makes any sense.

In addition, the problem we have with the hurricanes is insurmountable, spending thousands and evacuating several times over the last year, and the stress of not knowing if our home was blown into the sea or not... &c. &c.

Why is it always so difficult to read for yourself (a rhetorical question)?

Thank you for both your help,



King of Goblets rev.

Dang it! He showed up again, this time in the Advice position! This is getting ridiculous. What does it mean???



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Kings of Cups reversed

kilts_knave said:
This card keeps coming up in my readings for myself in a "hidden" position (e.g., what is invisible, what helps that I don't see, etc.) and it is reversed. I thought maybe it has something to do with a past life, but this must not be it or he would not be recurring. Any ideas?

King of Cups reversed and hidden may reveal secret and selfish motivations disguised as 'genuine caring". A pretension, disingenuous affection....or behaving in such a way as to desire being noticed.

In alchemy the circumstance is described as "brass posing as gold".