How committed & monogomous is the knight of cups?

le fey

I think you're right!

the cheating isn't the moving on. It's in the neglecting to actually end the current relationship before you've done so.

Its totally fair to leave a relationship that isn't satisfying you.. but it's not at all fair when you hang on at the expense of your current partner's understanding of what their relationship with you actually is.

Usually, that seems to be because a person either doesn't want to confront/'hurt' the partner (and has conned themselves into thinking that lying is less hurtful) or they want to make sure they've got a soft place to land before they go or both.

That's cheating - not playing straight with your existing relationship in order to shift the advantage over to whatever is easiest for you at their expense.


well I wasnt only focused on the cheating aspect since I guess all humans are capable of that. but rather on all aspects, being monogomous, faithful and committed. is he ready to be comitted to the love he so is looking for? etc. I dont know my mind wonders at times, I am having a bazzar day! :laugh:

le fey

Ahh that makes sense. My shift comes from my not viewing someone who has relationships that don't last a lifetime as being nonmonogamous, ie, for the duration of the commitment, if you're monogamous, you're monogamous and committed whether that's for a year or a lifetime.

I did leave out the possibility of open nonmonogamy, and that probably does mean I'm jaded... I so rarely see it.


My association has always been with Galahad - pure of intent indeed... (Looks rather as though I am in the minority here!)


Well, as far as monogamy goes, I'm sure he's the monogamous type but in a very immature and idealistic, perhaps unrealistic way. Once he matures, he may find that he's not so monogamous because he matures into a more realistic kind of love that means he's grown out of the relationship he's been so monogamous to previously.


Haha about "emo" guys Grizabella, that was cute.

I personally think having the Knight of Cups as a suitor would in some ways be irritating because he's in love with being love, he loves to be in love but he might not take the relationship as seriously as he should. Also, he's romantic but only when you can get him to open up. I've thought of him as being less expressive, the "still waters run deep" kind of guy.


hm I dont think I am explaining myself correctly (as usual ahhh) lol is this kinght able to remain comitted to this one person, without dating other people, or being unfaithful. is this knight ready to be with his love interest exclusively if you will. not for eternity but for the time they remain together. for ex. my relationships dont last long but i have never been unfaithful and i dont date more than one person at a time. its just not for me, not that its wrong. and I dont have a wondering eye :laugh: so i thought is this the knight of cups? am i him? somewhat innocent, a dreamer, yes i long for this type of love but am I ready for it? am i stable enough to be with this one love interest and will I be faithful. I realize this make no sense at all now lol and the answer i think is no. but it was in my mind because I so often look at the knight of pents as the ideal boyfriend, unless i am confusing it with the king of pents :confused: stable, no wondering eye etc. and ready to be in a stable comttied relationship. and looking at the KOC card (i think it was my card of the day last week) i thought "aw he so wants love and is giving himself but he seems not ready for it." i dont know i am confused now! sorry!! i seem to lose what i wans to really know....

perhaps he is monogomous in that immature way Grizabella speaks of, like when dating the person they ONLY hang out with that one person all the time and nobody else, therefore being immature in their fidelity and monogomy because they feel they only must be with the person they are dating, which is in actuality is not healthy or normal but a tad obssessive. this being a teen kind of attitude.

ok ill shut up now i have confused this entire forum! lol


I was reading all these replies and the image that popped into my mind for the Knight of Cups is, he is like trying to hold water in the cup of your hand. You can taste him and be refreshed, but you can't hold him for very long, he is water running through your fingers.

Pao, I think the Page of Cups would be the hopeless romantic, clingy type you describe, idealizing love and knowing nothing about it, but quite willing to learn and a bit on the extreme side.


i have known knights of all ranges, and the knight of cups has the capacity to cheat like they all do, he justifies it well though. I know a knight of cups that cooks dinner etc for his one night stands, and because of that he doesnt count it as a one night stand


A one "knight" stand! Muahaha!