How did you Decipher the Symbols in your Visions? Mediumship


I'm asking for input regarding how mediums learned to recognize symbols in their messages they get. I made a mistake recently and feel bad about it. My visions have only started in the past year. Before this, it's just been dreams. So, I'm still learning my way in this area.

My friend's mother - We'll call her "M" - is in the final stages of her short battle with cancer since being diagnosed in January.

I had a vision of M's biological mother. She came in kind of a warped hippie spiral effect. The woman said "Not yet!" and "I don't think so". Normally, I don't get sassy attitude in my messages, unless something is REALLY important and the recipient is messing up in life in some way their loved ones perceive.

I thought this message meant M had a ways more to go before the cancer got worse but I was wrong. Now, I realize it meant that M's fight would be very short and M would leave us too early. I feel bad I gave my friend false hope. She's not mad at me at all, but I still feel it's not right to have given her false hope. I haven't messed up like this before.

Does anyone have similar learning experiences with misunderstanding the symbols in the messages they receive?


If relatives of other people come through your dreams, do not interpret them. If this person is your friend, just discribe the dream in as much detail as possible. The imagery may not be familiar to you but it will be to the person who this relative belongs too. They have to make up their own minds what it means to them.

Hope this helps.


I like this advice....ty

If relatives of other people come through your dreams, do not interpret them. If this person is your friend, just discribe the dream in as much detail as possible. The imagery may not be familiar to you but it will be to the person who this relative belongs too. They have to make up their own minds what it means to them.

Hope this helps.


I like this advice ty...

If relatives of other people come through your dreams, do not interpret them. If this person is your friend, just discribe the dream in as much detail as possible. The imagery may not be familiar to you but it will be to the person who this relative belongs too. They have to make up their own minds what it means to them.

Hope this helps.


If relatives of other people come through your dreams, do not interpret them. If this person is your friend, just discribe the dream in as much detail as possible. The imagery may not be familiar to you but it will be to the person who this relative belongs too. They have to make up their own minds what it means to them.

Hope this helps.

Good call. Just sticking to it is what it is will keep me out of trouble! Thank you!