How do you store your collection?


My main working deck I wrap in a scarf and keep in a drawstring bag.

The other decks that I occasionally work with or I'm getting to know I store the same way. They're all in a basket beside my bed.

My collection I just put in my dresser unwrapped.

I don't really like the whole process of taking the cards out of the box and seperating the LWB and extra cards. Do any of you store the box and keep the cards in a bag by themselves? Perhaps with a ribbon tying them? I'm thinking of doing that with my main deck. Do the cards wear too fast that way?



Trying to organize my decks myself.

I have 30 something at this time.

The ones I use regularly to read with are in velvet pouches and are stored in two separate with decks I use the with decks I use less frequently.

Some decks are still in the boxes ...

I do have all of the LWBs with a big rubberband around them and they are stuck in the back of all of my reading things. I save them, but rarely look at them, unless a discussion comes up about the deck. I may take a look at what the artist says then. Of course, some of them I do enjoy. The Bruegel has these fun proverbs for every card.

All of these things are in a cabinet in my home office where I do my readings. On top I have a lovely candle with a dried rose from my first "home office" reading.

I have another box on top that is has change in it, fives, tens, I'm not caught short with that 100 dollar bill and not having change for a sitter (LOL).

In another smaller box, I have some sage to burn...if I feel like I want to cleanse the room a bit.

I have my J. Perry dolphines sitting on the counter top...they are on a piece of driftwood. Also, I have some Runes ....and an obsidian and a morganite that I often set out....Just a few things I have picked up along the way.

Then when I read, I move my round wooden table....just large enough for a good-sized spread ....

into the we can sit almost side by side ...I set out 3 decks, sometimes four and while we chat and I get a notepad ready, the sitter looks at the decks and chooses one.

So...this is more than you asked....and if a moddie moves me, I'll understand it...but my sitters see when I open my cabinet that I have lots of velvet pouches as well as decks in the boxes..

Also, my library of Tarot books is kept with my other professional books on the bookcase....It's a peacefule setting...

Some decks bend whether you set them upright or set them flat...get to know the decks and how to store them.

Once I put a Hadar inside a lovely wooden box I got at our local store. When I opened it after a few weeks, the top card had turned brown....I put that one card into the deck I have in a photo album....I study the cards that way.



I have a wooden kitchen bookshelf that is adjustable so it has holes every few inches on the side slats. I use it for a TV stand. I put screws into the holes with backs, and I hang decks (the ones in bags) from them. It adds a lot of color to an otherwise dull shelf, and it gives me easy access to my favorite decks. I've gotten a lot of comments about this method of display. It also makes people want to look at and explore my collection, which is fun.

Other decks that don't have bags or just plain don't fit, I keep in an underbed storage container. Of course, the darned thing is hardly ever actually under my bed. *lol*

:) Kes


Well, I really wouldn't call my two decks a collection as I'm quite the beginner. :) My Universal Rider Waite deck is wrapped in a multi colored cotton napkin ( the napkins are a really funky colored 70's paisley design that I found at a yard sale) and I made a simple cotton drawstring bag to match the colors in the cloth. My International Icon deck I keep wrapped and tied in a multi colored silk scarf. I carry this deck along with me. When I'm not using them I keep both decks in a wooden box on my night stand. Thanks for asking!


The deck I use constantly (Robin Wood) is in a drawstring bag, wrapped in silk.

At one point I used to collect little boxes to store particular decks, but the future possibility of having 30 or 40 little boxes lying around seemed somewhat silly!

At present, all the unused decks are still in their boxes (with the cards in order, Majors, then by suits!) in an underbed storage box. Someday when I move into the new house, I may have them in a glass case with the rest of the occult paraphenalia, or stored on a shelf ... in size order or alphabetically ~ not sure which! :smoker:


There is a little shelf on the hutch of my desk that has decks in their boxes and the shelf under it has Tarot books. I also have a basket that I lined with an altar cloth that's purple with fairies on it. It contains decks I use more often and they're in beautiful bags (am I the only person who puts the whole box in the bag instead of taking the cards out of the box? I have a few decks that no longer have boxes but now I keep the box).


I have two book shelves that all my decks are displayed on top of. I'm running out of room, so I might hang some shelves this weekend. Or maybe I should just get rid of a few. Most are still in their boxes, but I take them out and wrap them in a handkerchief (nothing against bags, handkerchiefs are just cheaper) if I'm taking them outside. I was just thinking, it's going to be a pain in the behind if any of my dad's family comes to visit. I'll have to shove them all under the bed.



Deana said:
(am I the only person who puts the whole box in the bag instead of taking the cards out of the box? I have a few decks that no longer have boxes but now I keep the box).

I do this as well. I have never taken the cards out and put the box away. I keep the box, it's a good way of storing decks.
As a matter of fact I'm thinking of making a box for my deck that has no box (the Mary-El)

Solty Dog

My LWBs are in a ziploc, stored on a random shelf. I used the extra cards as a collage on my tarot journal with the happy squirrel card in the center. Most of my decks are in this white drawer thing I bought at K-Mart. I have a few however that came without boxes. (That is beginning to become a pet peeve of mine). So I have three of those wooden boxes on top of the drawer thing. I will have to sit down one of these days and make up four of five boxes.

My plan is that when I can convince my wife we need a coffee table. I will get one of those that lifts up and store everything in there.

B.S. Dog


I keep my cards in their boxes as well! And I hate it when cards don't have a box, or came in a deck book set with no separate box for the cards themselves. They all lie on a shelf in my bedroom.