How has Tarot enriched/changed your life?

pickled pixie

Hello :)

Since having stumbled upon Tarot I feel that I have found something very special. Up until Tarot nothing really inspired me at all and I felt a little lost, I always new there was something out there that I needed to find I just didnt know what, now I have found Tarot I feel more complete, almost like finding a soulmate (if that makes sense?) but...
I still feel I could get a whole lot more out of it, I just don't know how? (Kinda like discovering fire, knowing it's darn useful but not sure what exactly to do with it to get the most out of it!) sure, i do readings (I am only a beginner though) but I have heard readers say things like "Since discovering Tarot my life has changed so much for the better" How do you use Tarot to enrich YOUR life?

pp xx

Knight of Wands

Hello, from a fellow Kentian.

I don't think I use Tarot conciously to 'enrich' my life, rather it just happens.

It affects everything, it opens view points, encourages you to look at deep meaning in things, encourages you to trust your intuition, makes you a more compassionate person, makes you more aware of how past actions can influence the present, makes you a better person to give advice, opens you to the spiritual realm, adds knowledge of history...

And that's just a few :D

The crowned one

The biggest enrichment for me has been a awareness of what causes my emotions to overextend their welcome in in the heat of an argument and how to control my biting sarcasm through a better understanding of how delicate peoples feeling often are. Emotional and social intelligence has gone way up through meditating on the cards and thinking back-wards from the outcome of my actions to the source of my thoughts.

Astraea Aurora

The biggest and most important change Tarot has brought me is understanding. Mostly understanding myself, but also understanding other people and why they act the way they do and understanding events.

I am very thankful to have found Tarot and the opportunity to learn it. It is a wonderful tool, always changing faces and interesting. It's really changed my life - to the better, I think.

Astraea Aurora


Oh wow! I am sure I could write a book on all the ways Tarot has enriched my life. I can tell you for sure that my life is very very much richer and fuller because of it.

The abridged version is it lead me to find new friends from here at AT that mean the world to me (and they know who they are). I would never have met them otherwise.

It has taught me that faeires and angels are very real beings, something I never would have found out without Tarot. And they have been invaluable in my life. My life would have been so dull and unispired without them.

Tarot has given me a much deeper sense of confidence, as I know now now so much more on how to create the future I want and how to undo errors.

It has connected me much more to nature.

And last but not least, and something I will be always grateful for, my cards brought a man I love very much now into my life. I was about to quit my job a bit over a year ago. I did a reading to be sure. The reading advised against it. And even had some cards hinting at romance. I was really about to quit too, but I did not only because the cards advised me not to.

Then a few days later this man started working with us who I felt instantly drawn too. He only stayed 10 days before he moved on, but we have stayed in close contact and since fallen in love. If I had quit when I wanted to, and would have without my cards, I would have missed the chance to meet him.

Gotta love those cards! LOL

How I use Tarot to enrich my life? I ask the cards anything on things that seems enriching to me. I don't use them as often for predicting as for learning to understand my unconscous feelings and motivations and for spiritual questions.

I often ask things like what spiritual path I am on, is it the best path for me, what unconscious motivations are causing me to act in certain ways....etc

I use it to analyse any dreams that I have that feel important. The other day I had a dream that told me my feelings about my horrible marriage was still affecting me unconciously because I had just buried those feeligns and not dealt with them. So out come the cards: "What feelings have I buried?" "How are they affecting me now?" "How can I best heal them now so they no longer affect my actions?"....

Tarot is one of the best self-help books around. There is nothing you cannot ask about life or yourself. It is positively great for philosophical questions too. About what is the purpose of your life? What sacred contracts you have with the people in your life....



It's given me a lot of harsh truths, clarity, revelations, thoughts, stress, and fun. I started in February, and I've learned more than I have in years. Not only that, I've been more aware of my surroundings. It's also helped me in tough times. It's given me an interest in spirituality, and it sometimes also tells me things I don't want to hear. I might have to take a long break from it soon though.


Working with tarot has taught me to trust my intuition and to go with my gut feelings so much more than I used to.

Sometimes I need a reminder that just because I can rationalize something doesn't mean it's the right choice.

That's the most important thing tarot has taught me. :)




sravana said:
Given the number of decks I own, I think that tarot hasn't enriched my life as much as drained my bank account!

:::bah dah BUM:::

(sorry, I couldn't help it...)

Boy do I know that feeling too!!!



Tarot has enriched my life by turning me toward my rightful profession.

See, I'm in the field of law and it is not rewarding to me. I lost my faith in fairness and balance because of what I experienced. I thought I was on the right track when I started, I really did. But then it all got so wrong. The wrong people were being punished and the giant corporations were winning. And I just couldn't stand it anymore.

But then a few things happened. One, I found out that I was smarter than I thought I was. And two, tarot brought me back to my true calling, and towards my lifelong dream. My lifelong dream was to profile serial killers but I am unable to follow that dream for many reasons.

Once I began reading tarot publicly for strangers I realized how much it meant to me to have truly helped someone with no strings attached. The tarot brought me back to psychology, and once again the dream was on. Not to profile serial killers alas, but to help people and learn about them at the same time. I have studied human behavior and worked with behavior modification programs. I thought I was stuck in this profession that takes such a toll on me until the tarot gave me the direction and my transcripts gave me the courage to dream.

I'm now embarking on a long road of college, yet again, to get my PhD this time. Even though I just graduated with another useless degree. I have my tarot to thank for finally showing me my path, I should have asked sooner. But knowing the cards, they've been screaming it at me for years. I just never listened.