How to use the Tarot for fortune-telling?


I was taken aback when I read the question of the thread... isn't that what we are all doing with tarot - telling the future? And, there actually are specific meanings to all of the cards so why would you have to make any up? Of course intuition is involved; you just bounce off the images and symbols and say whatever comes into your head.

Does everyone here just do readings for themselves and use the cards as self-counselling tools? I doubt that because I've noticed many members mentioning reading for other people. Sorry if I sound a bit brusque, I was just surprised. :)

ETA: I made a mess of the quote so put the right quote in the post after this.


JSNYC said:
The question for the thread is: how does someone use the Tarot for fortune-telling and how is that different from how "everyone else" uses the Tarot?

Since I believe the Tarot is a powerful tool, I think it is absolutely plausible that it can be used for "fortune-telling". But what is that exactly? Is fortune-telling simply "predicting the concrete future"?

I must reference Jung, because that is how I understand this abstract stuff. Jung said that every perspective has a subject and an object. Because of the abstract complexity of the Tarot, I have interpreted the meaning of the cards very subjectively (and I think that is a limitation on my part). So I thought of creating a "fortune-telling deck" to play around with. And what I mean by that is taking one of my decks (that I haven't yet studied) and giving the cards objective, concrete definitions, to be used for fortune-telling, or predicting the concrete future. And since I believe the Tarot is always personal, at least to some extent, those definitions would have to come from me, I couldn't simply use someone else's definitions.

This also seems to be the whole idea behind the "Using Tarot Cards" forum, to provide tangible definitions for the cards. Or am I missing the whole idea of fortune-telling?

This is the quote I should have used in the above post. :)


ireneintheworld said:
I was taken aback when I read the question of the thread... isn't that what we are all doing with tarot - telling the future? And, there actually are specific meanings to all of the cards so why would you have to make any up? Of course intuition is involved; you just bounce off the images and symbols and say whatever comes into your head.

Does everyone here just do readings for themselves and use the cards as self-counselling tools? I doubt that because I've noticed many members mentioning reading for other people. Sorry if I sound a bit brusque, I was just surprised. :)

ETA: I made a mess of the quote so put the right quote in the post after this.

The most recent leaning is for people to use the cards for self-empowerment, I think. But there are a lot of us who still tell fortunes with them. I think we sort of get lost in the crowd because we don't speak up more.


Hi Grizabella, and thanks for answering. I thought I'd mistaken the dynamics of the site there. I don't like the term 'Fortune Telling' that is what I do for a living and it's become such a normal feature of my life though I have got to admit to hiding like a tax inspector and don't tell people what I do at work... but I love my job :)


Well, I think most of us here do read for other people. If not most, then a whole lot of us. But even so, many people still don't prefer to read the future even when reading for others.


Grizabella said:
Well, I think most of us here do read for other people. If not most, then a whole lot of us. But even so, many people still don't prefer to read the future even when reading for others.

Do you think it is because they do not dare or that they are not acapable of it?


I think my original question for this thread has been answered. (So thank you very much to all who responded! Especially Grizabella for being the inspiration for its creation. :thumbsup: ) I believe the answer to "how to use the Tarot for fortune-telling" is to do exactly what I am doing. If there is any difference at all, it is only the context or questions asked, and that is personal and thus naturally going to be somewhat different for everyone.

Grizabella said:
I have every faith in the cards and their ability to show the future. Nobody could ever convince me otherwise.
I share your faith and I agree. I will relate an interesting story that was told to me a few weeks ago. I have introduced a few people to the Tarot since I learned it. A family member (a life-long Christian, which I mentioned in another thread) is now reading the cards for herself as well as for friends and (some) family. ;) She is new and still relying on the definitions in the book to some extent. A couple weeks ago I talked to her; an Aunt and her kids (a few are adults) came up for a visit, so she read the cards for them. In one spread, the entire spread "made sense" except one card. She and my cousin were trying to figure out what was "wrong". Then they realized, they were reading the wrong card definition (reading the 6 instead of the 4) to which she said, "that goes to show that the cards laid make sense, and not just any card will make sense." To that I said, "exactly!" :)

I almost never talk about the Tarot with her; I don't bring it up if she doesn't mention it and she rarely does, although I have told her I would certainly try to answer any questions she might have. But I generally like to “learn things for myself”, and she is similar, so I don’t initiate conversation (or try to "push"). I didn't even know she was reading for others, or even still reading for herself until she told me that story. So any "projection" of my "beliefs" onto her would be fairly minimal. (I bought her the Shadowscapes Tarot, and she uses the book that comes with that deck for the "definitions". She has a few other books as well and I have obviously sent her links to posts here.)

I do ask the Tarot yes/no questions and take the answers seriously. (However, I use my yes/no/why spread, which provides more than just a simple yes or no.) And I am not "scared" of being "wrong", which has been mentioned in this thread a few times, but just like stock market forecasting, any "inaccuracy" must be "hedged" to limit "risk". So the voracity of the prognostication must be evaluated and ascertained if any trust at all is to be put in the prediction. However, so far I have never seen the Tarot be wrong... *shrug* maybe it is just me... Although my interpretation isn't always "right" and it is almost never "complete". I often only fully see what the Tarot was saying later, after events unfold. This may also be due to the type of questions I ask (yet again!). When faced with a fork in the road of life, once one path is taken, the other path is closed and then it can never truly be known what awaited down that path. So the Tarot may have been wrong and I just didn't know it. But I am quite satisfied (thus far) with the paths it has been taken me down, so I don't worry about it.

As for your post, ireneintheworld, the Tarot has given you a job you love, not many people have that, and that is enviable. That in itself is fantastic, regardless of any other proposed use of the Tarot. Although it seems my perspective is similar to yours, I basically only read for myself and have no intention or desire to ever read professionally, although I do read for others occasionally. But I don't think I use the Tarot as a "self-counseling tool" either, however, that may be how some people define what I am doing...

And that leads to my final point, I was a little puzzled by SunChariot's emphasis on whether the future was changeable or not. Then I realized, some people might automatically consider "fortune" to be synonymous with "destiny". I looked it up and destiny (and fate) are a couple of the definitions for fortune on Destiny is an "unchangeable future". I don't believe in destiny or fate, I believe in "free will" and choice. So of course I don't believe the Tarot can predict our destiny (or fortune), since I don't believe in it. Thus I am now even more opposed to the term "fortune-teller". I think Umbrae would certainly enjoy this, more confusion based on the terminology used.

Although some future is unchangeable and the Tarot may predict that, but just because the Tarot predicts it doesn’t mean it can’t be changed. Additionally, some future only contains the illusion that it is changeable. (I will reference the conversation between Neo and the Chancellor in the 3rd and last The Matrix movie.) I think believing all future can be changed is just as… disempowering as believing none of it can be changed. One resigns us to fate; the other overwhelms us by choices. Although I am not much for prayers, I have always loved the Anonymous group’s prayer, called the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I believe the Tarot helps me with the last thing, thus implicitly helps me with the first two. But also I think it is up to all of us to determine what the Tarot does for us, and being the magical artifact that I believe it to be, that could be quite different for each one of us. So I am still very much interested in hearing about all uses of the Tarot. But I certainly see the future unfold when I turn over Tarot cards, although that is not my specific or stated intention. And it appears that Grizabella (and others) do as well. If we are crazy, Grizabella, I will skip down that yellow brick road with you! :laugh:

I think it is far more useful to flip over Tarot cards and see what happens, than to try to rationalize and thus constrain the Tarot before seeing what the Tarot can actually do. That is really the point of my posts in the following thread, and there are great posts from others in the thread as well:
Only charlatans see the future?


Sar said:
Do you think it is because they do not dare or that they are not acapable of it?

Not quite that simple? Personally, as I have said before, I do not believe in a fixed future and I also don't think it would be healthy for me to think I had one. Forecasting is something different, the future can change.

I do think that people are capable of bringing a fixed future into being sometimes, and not always in a healthy way.

I am about to read on the future to get a sideways look at what might happen if I choose one job or a different one, to help me decide. That's doesn't count as fortune telling for me though - suppose it might for some.