I don't feel like doing tarot at all. WHY?


I agree with most of what has been said here. I also have taken "breaks" from the cards, for different reasons - but I am not a pro, i don't take money for readings. I can get thru a reading without relying on looking things up, however, I have never felt that I was good enough at it to go into business for myself (though from what I have seen with online readers today, it doesn't take much to attract customers.) It's learning the relationships between cards that is the tricky part for me, so many different possibilities, and how the general meanings change depending on where the card falls and what cards are around it.

I suspect that many online readers rely on books or notes. I watch a lot of videos that readers post - and I have noticed that many of them NEVER shuffle on camera. Why not? Maybe some do it to save time - but I think that too many online readings are staged, that they pick the cards beforehand that will best answer or apply to the customer's question or situation. Maybe the more honest ones don't stage the cards, but I think they do look up the meanings and consider the whole spread before taping the reading, and then make it look as if the reading is spontaneous. While that isn't really that bad, I don't consider it to be very professional, and I would not pay for an online reading if the reader was not willing to do it on video, and post one straight video, from the shuffle to the cut to the very end.

As for taking a break, I have done it more than once with tarot. A few times, years went by where my decks just floated around, wrapped with a rubber band, in the kitchen junk drawer. I understand what you are saying, as I am an artist too, and sometimes I just don't "feel" it. I don't work well under pressure, and if I am not in the mood, forget it....but in order to make a living, it's like you said - you just have to sit down and do it - and often, once you start, things have a way of working out. It's the same with the cards. I may not be in the mood, but once I choose a deck and start shuffling and looking at the cards - things change!


I've experienced that, too. I've taken several breaks from tarot (some lasting for weeks, others for years) when I feel like I don't "get" the cards anymore. When I jump back into it again, I feel refreshed and eager to learn again. I guess it's not really a problem for me because I don't read professionally. But if you want to make a business out of readings, in my opinion the only way to do it is by reading everyday, whether you feel like it or not, until you get so attuned to the cards that you practically know their meanings inside and out. Of course, that's just my $0.02. I could be wrong!


Take a break. :) I'm on a break right now, actually. Still visit the forum because I love the people and the place, but it's natural for interests to wane and wax. I find that in the summer I am often more interested in my hands on/outdoor hobbies. I know I'll be back into it, maybe when the weather gets colder. :)



I think you all are right.
Today I spoke to the lady I learned tarot from and she said the same thing that maybe I trying to go too fast and I am pressurizing myself.

Actually I thought 6 month's time should be good enough so that atleast I don't go blank on seeing various cards! But she said the same things that you all are trying to make me understand - that it takes time, even years! One need not force certain things .

She said at the right time I will myself experience changes in my readings and my understanding of each card,

Yes. Now I will just start being more playful and into my deck. I just opened my deck today, laid out few cards just like that, took some cards and tried reading them individually. It did help.

Thanks a lot all of you. I am really grateful to this forum, for I had my most bizarre and doubtful doubts cleared here. Thanks!


Then it is your mind telling you your spiritual energy is close to depleted. I would advise you to stop reading asap or you may attract some guides that I think you would not want to. Also stop is a good thing to do now because your intuition for the use of the right words may not be good right now, and one thing you would not want to is to interfere with the free will of other people in your current state.