I got it! I got it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!


I'm so excitied! I got the Soul Cards 1! The pictures are so abstract, (just the way I like it), and They are very fun to interpert, as they don't have any pre-dermined meanings! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (does happy dance) I'm so happy!

p.s. You can view the cards here. They are so cool! I just can't help myself! ahhhhhhhhhhh!


Soul cards 2?

Congrats Sam :)

I've been looking at the Soul Cards they are intruiging but I don't think I'm ready for a deck that intense.

I keep hearing Soul Cards 1... Is there a Soul Cards two or something? If so, what do they look like? What is the difference?




Congratulations on your new deck, Sam! So are you going to get deck two since you love deck one so much? I keep hearing such fabulous things about these cards. I have them on my wish list.

Take care,

Angel Star

I have seen these cards at my local metaphysical store and they are quite beautiful and different. Yes there are 2 decks. They are also on my wishlist for later some time. Enjoy them!




Just checked out that deck and it is very weird! Actually the pictures scared me quite a bit, which is better than leaving me cold i suppose.

Good luck with it tho!


Why are there only 60 cards?

As for the imagery..... I'm just going to say that I don't like it. LOL

:) I'm glad you like them :)



Soul Cards 2

Gracious, I finally found them. I think I like them better than the pictures I've seen of Soul Cards 1 but I'd have to have both decks to be sure

Here's the link if anyone is curious to look at them and the page also has a link to pictures of the Soul Cards 1.



No Way!!

Sorry guys, don't agree! They are waaaaay too weird to be lookin' at!

Defintely scary!


I don't see it as "scary," I just don't like the colors and the imagery. :)


well, yeah. it all comes back to "that particular deck may not be for you!" thing. oh well, we are all alowed to speak out.