I see dead people!


haha! My mom reminded me, just a few days ago, that when I watched that movie (6th Sense), I only saw parts of it through my fingers. It freaked me OUT! Then this happens....

So yesterday I was minding my own business, and my dog started freaking out in the back room. I went to see what was going on and I noticed some strangeness. I could see that there were two distinct areas that the air looked different. I couldn't really see a shape or figure but the air in these areas was kind of wavy. Really hard to explain. I hope this makes sense to someone else.

I sat down in the room, after removing my dog (lol he's a scary beast! Didn't want to frighten any spirits away too soon). I closed my eyes and I saw two scenes immediately...a woman as she was in a car wreck...like the second things started going wrong for her. I could tell she was swerving to avoid something, maybe overcorrected, and at the last second crossed her arms in front of her face like she was trying to protect herself. I didn't see her die or anything...just that part.

The second was a male, without a shirt on, laying face down on a bathroom floor. That's it.

Do you think these "wavy air" spaces were spirits and that they were showing me how they died?

When I opened up my eyes...the air in the room had returned to normal.

Really weird. Any help here would be awesome!

**oh and edited to add...I felt no fear during anything of this...which is crazy because I'm a giant chicken. The energy felt good the whole time. Even when I was seeing the "death scenes"...it was just very matter-of-fact like..not fear or pain energy.

**one more thing...I've seen spirits before. But like quick movement, or shadows. When I was a child, I could see them more clearly. I've also seen a lot of things in meditation (with my eyes closed). This was different. It was sustained for the entire time I was looking and it wasn't shadowy. The only other experience I've had similar to this was when I saw these teeny, tiny bubbles (thousands of them). My dog saw those too. I also forgot to add, that I touched these wavy air spots. It felt like the air was thicker somehow. It wasn't cold or anything...just different from the air around it. Again, very hard to explain.

Starri Knytes

What a great experience!

I see dead people too! The moon phase often plays a part in when spirits pop in. Sometimes as you said they just want to show you what happened to them. Some have a message, usually it's that they are okay now. They are in a good place. I had someone very recognizable, who died a traumatic death stay for a week until I did what she asked and got her message correct.

They don't come through a curtain as you've described though. My gate was is my hallway, someone described it once as a crossroad.

Was your curtain iridescent at all? I get spirit energy that can be photographed (sometimes) during readings. It's kind of a purplish smokey energy. The HD function pics it up great on my phone. I also have gotten orbs with might be similar to the bubbles you've described. They can float, but can also move quickly if they want to back you up or make a point. :)


Hmm...very interesting. So do you think what I saw was a passage that they came through (a curtain) and not the spirit themselves? I honestly am not sure what I saw. It didn't have any color to it. It was like the air was just thicker and wavy there. I know, very weird.

I never even thought about taking a picture. I should have, it would have been interesting to see what showed up.


Hi EA,

I think these spirits came to you to tell you what they want others to know. Probably things misunderstood about their death. And likely wanting to tell their loved ones the circumstances around their death were not as they might think.

I believe spirits will come to those who are extra sensitive and can get messages with less energy wasted on spirit's part. Sometimes I feel like it's a grapevine effect for spirits. Once one of them reaches you, it's like a signal booster goes up in that 3rd eye chakra and BOOM! The party bus arrives to you. Everyone's coming and it's like the donkey in Shrek. PICK ME! PICK ME! Often I feel like the "loudest" message is the one you'll pick.

Hope that helps. :)


Like Starri and yourself, I also see dead people! :D

I have a variety of ways they come to me. Sometimes I can see them vividly as if they were living. I see a partial spirit--perhaps only their face, or from the waist up only. Sometimes I only see their glasses, and a mass of energy particles but no actual body.

They come to me in a variety of ways, no matter where I happen to be. So, I don't think my home is a portal for spirits--I think they just see the "light" over me--which is how I believe many of us mediums are found. I believe we mediums have a sort of light that draws the spirits to us. Its as if we are a beacon of light for them.

Do you think these "wavy air" spaces were spirits and that they were showing me how they died?
Yes, could very well be. Also at times death is so instantaneous, that the person doesn't realize at first they are deceased. So, they walk away from their death scene, (if a car accident for instance) and try hard to communicate with people whom they see, and cannot understand why the people do not pay attention to them.

Miss Nine also touched on a good point. I think people who are sensitive to energy and also can see dead people are easily found by the dead. Its that "beacon light" I mentioned above- shining brightly over our head to 'light the way' for the deceased. Once they find us, they pass the word to other spirits and we can be flooded with visitors.

Did you ever see that movie, Ghost, with Whoopie Goldberg, Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore? Its kind of like that. Once ONE spirit realizes they can make contact with you--they send the news out and you can be flooded with lots of spirits! Just comes with the territory.


Hi EA,

I think these spirits came to you to tell you what they want others to know. Probably things misunderstood about their death. And likely wanting to tell their loved ones the circumstances around their death were not as they might think.

I believe spirits will come to those who are extra sensitive and can get messages with less energy wasted on spirit's part. Sometimes I feel like it's a grapevine effect for spirits. Once one of them reaches you, it's like a signal booster goes up in that 3rd eye chakra and BOOM! The party bus arrives to you. Everyone's coming and it's like the donkey in Shrek. PICK ME! PICK ME! Often I feel like the "loudest" message is the one you'll pick.

Hope that helps. :)

If I'm supposed to pass on this to their loved ones, I would need WAY more information. I literally didn't see anything that could even give me a clue as to who these people were. Maybe that will be something that comes in time??

Starri Knytes

Do you think so CN?
I believe that they are always around, we just aren't always receptive. Also I believe some spirits are stronger than others hence they are more easily seen and heard.

It would only make sense that the spirit was trying to relay a message to their loved ones if the person receiving the message knew the deceased or their family, don't you think MN?

I would assume that the wavy thick air was a curtain between world's not the actual spirit, as the spirit revealed themselves to you. You said that they showed their images to you or to your minds eye, right?

I've had recently deceased that I know come with messages for family and have been completely shut down by family, they don't want to hear or know about it. So I would say that the message was just for you.

You can talk to them you know, ask them if they're okay. Ask them what they want, why they're here, what they want you to know.

Also, I've never been bombarded by a flood of unwanted spiritual attention. So I don't think you need to worry about opening the flood gates. lol


Like Starri and yourself, I also see dead people! :D

I have a variety of ways they come to me. Sometimes I can see them vividly as if they were living. I see a partial spirit--perhaps only their face, or from the waist up only. Sometimes I only see their glasses, and a mass of energy particles but no actual body.

They come to me in a variety of ways, no matter where I happen to be. So, I don't think my home is a portal for spirits--I think they just see the "light" over me--which is how I believe many of us mediums are found. I believe we mediums have a sort of light that draws the spirits to us. Its as if we are a beacon of light for them.

Yes, could very well be. Also at times death is so instantaneous, that the person doesn't realize at first they are deceased. So, they walk away from their death scene, (if a car accident for instance) and try hard to communicate with people whom they see, and cannot understand why the people do not pay attention to them.

Miss Nine also touched on a good point. I think people who are sensitive to energy and also can see dead people are easily found by the dead. Its that "beacon light" I mentioned above- shining brightly over our head to 'light the way' for the deceased. Once they find us, they pass the word to other spirits and we can be flooded with visitors.

Did you ever see that movie, Ghost, with Whoopie Goldberg, Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore? Its kind of like that. Once ONE spirit realizes they can make contact with you--they send the news out and you can be flooded with lots of spirits! Just comes with the territory.

Oh wow! I hope they don't come flooding in like that! lol So what am I supposed to do when this happens...if it happens again? I guess I don't see how I would ever be qualified to help them in anyway. Not sure what would be expected of me.


If I'm supposed to pass on this to their loved ones, I would need WAY more information. I literally didn't see anything that could even give me a clue as to who these people were. Maybe that will be something that comes in time??

Yes. They're lost right now and wanting to connect. I think you'll get these kind if messages in real time when around people. The spirits will become punctual so no guesswork involved.


I also agree with CN. I think we're on the same page. As i mentioned,once one of them is able to communicate with you they pass it around. They start seeing you as another channel. Another light like a tractor beam, so to say.

Those that came to you...you'll either soon meet the intended recipient of their message or they might have been too excited to communicate to you and jumped the gun. They need to learn to wait!

I just get a weird pulse in my head or feeling of heat and tingles when I know I'm to give a message from a perso who has died. I know by the energy who it is I'm delivering the message to.