If anyone is interested in the Ancient Celtic Tarot...


Just checked out this thread. Have to tell you that I'm another fan of the death card.
All I can say is Ah! (as a sigh) I can sit and stare into that portal forever. It is soothing to me for some reason.
Very nice deck.



"Ancient Celtic" does have a better (or at least more commercial) sound than "Artifact".

It's not really my preffered style, but the imagery looks good and meaningful.


Yep, the imagery is kinda crude & weird. It's just what I invented: at the least, one can say that it is original & unique!

So glad that the death card is a hit, I've been hearing that SO much!! :D

I am getting close to pre-order time. I will probably be spending $55 (apprx.) on fabric from France alone, then there is the papermaking kit, another kind of paper, parchment, laser photo paper & blank Tarot cards, woad pigment - it's adding up.

I am anticipating being done with the images in anywhere from 1 to 1 1/2 months, as I will be out of town for a couple of weeks which sux in a way as I am VERY eager to work on this!

Hope everyone had good holidays, & a Happy New Year to you all! :)

Incidentally: There is to be a surprise bonus in this package. ;)


Just visited the thread on copyright. Yes, I am going to be copyrighting this deck. Since the process can take up to 4 months, I'm afraid you guys won't be seeing this deck until right around summer! :( This depresses me, but I guess it would be imprudent to not copyright. I hope that everyone understands.



Having returned after "vacation", just wanted to update here to say that I will be getting to work on the 2nd half of the Minors right away - + the Courts, of course, which I have been kinda half-working on as I have been going along, because they make me nervous!! :p


Prompted by your suggestion to check your deck out on another thread, I have just discovered this. Danubhe, your deck is wonderful! I love it! I don't have time to read this entire thread right now so forgive me in advance in the likelihood my inquiry has already been addressed. Is your deck currently available as a pre-sale? If so, what are you charging for it?

Thanks for turning me on to this!



Blah, I really desperately need a proper pen - I've been using dollar-store specials - & even more importantly, I've run out of tracing paper. As soon as I'm re-stocked, I'll get busy. It's a pity, I'm really desirious of working now - that's frustrating! Oh well, it's just a few more days... (Gotta order on the 1st of the month when I get my money.)


1 more thing:

That "copyright" thingie. I think that I am going to be selling these "copyright pending", so that everyone can not have to wait another 1/2-year, or however long! :p Besides of which, I certainly can trust y'all, I'm sure!!! ;)


Back after reviewing the thread!

1st, I want to just state that the boxes were, unfortunately, untenable. I can't make them well enough to go around the boxes - the template is too big for the paper, & I lose a crucial bit at the lid. So, they will be wrapped in a piece of parchment a l`a LS, as I had originally planned.

Now for the IMPORTANT part of the thread - !: ;)

Here is my list thus far of interested people. If you are still on it - still interested - very well, I will be PM'ing people when my pre-order thread starts up (very likely announcing something here, as well). If you do NOT want to be included, please PM me back - a little like RSPV, because I'd like to have an idea how many I'm making. I had thought 10, but you know it's a good thing that I went back through here because it turns out that my list is longer than the one I had saved!

So here is the list:


I believe that this edition will be 15 in size. Any questions, PM or post! :D