If the Major Arcana were in an episode of Wacky Races, who would win?


I often wonder about this.

No seriously - I do!

Because I find working out timing quite tough. When I am asking about when something is going to happen, I usually pull 1 of the majors to tell me... but figuring out what they each mean at in terms of time is tricky. I thought that if I could work out how quick the trumps are in relation to each other it might help!

So I started wondering.... well, if they were running a race, who would win?

I reckon it could be the Chariot. He has vehical after all! Although it is debatable if that contraption is acctually capable of movement.

The hanged man, clearly, isn't going anywhere! Unless he is astrally projecting himself instantly to the finnish line.... hmmm.

The Magician, well, he's the youngest so he'd be speedy. But is he too distracted by playing with his magic tricks?

Does anyone have any thoughts?


Well, the Wheel of Fortune might roll in quick?

And if we are talking a deck that has a horse on the Sun card, then that might canter a good pace?

But Death might get confused and think he is in a demolition derby instead of a race and start taking the other contestants out!

Heeeheheee :D

mystic mal

I think the FOOL would win. To me it represents the spirit that goes on the journey of the Major Arcarna meeting all the characters and getting to know them and how they operate so he/she can become like them at any time.,learning their qualities,strengths and downfalls...to be ALL of them the FOOL would be supreme possessing intuition,magic,strength,power,speed,knowledge etc.etc.


GeorgiePorgie said:
Well, the Wheel of Fortune might roll in quick?

And if we are talking a deck that has a horse on the Sun card, then that might canter a good pace?

But Death might get confused and think he is in a demolition derby instead of a race and start taking the other contestants out!

Heeeheheee :D

Yes! A wheel would roll very quickly indeed.... but it could roll in the wrong direction or fall on it's side if the road was rocky couldn't it.

I forgot that RWS sun's had horses on! But can that kid ride a horse?

Death has a horse too of course, in the RWS.... and probablly knows how to ride.

The other thing that I suppose would help is to think about how long they would take to complete the race compared to the other cards.


If Death completed it in a day, then the sun might finnish in 2 or 3 days perhaps.


mystic mal said:
I think the FOOL would win. To me it represents the spirit that goes on the journey of the Major Arcarna meeting all the characters and getting to know them and how they operate so he/she can become like them at any time.,learning their qualities,strengths and downfalls...to be ALL of them the FOOL would be supreme possessing intuition,magic,strength,power,speed,knowledge etc.etc.

I see what you mean!

The fool and his dog could be a bit like Dastardly and Muttley, trying to win by tripping the others up and knocking them off the road! :D


The Moon, the Sun and The Star - because nothing travels faster than light :D


Judgement- It knows the end of the race before it's over, and it's already there. : 3


The world. Nowhere further to go from the first second. It's there and - well, THERE !


The Devil of course, he knows every trick, shortcut and other's weak points, not a fair victory anyway...


Strength.....because without having the "will" to win you would just stay in one place:D