If you were a God.....? Or Goddess.......?


If you were a God/Goddess, what would you be a God/Goddess of? Eg- Kayne, The God o' all things arty and Aussie...
Tarotbeat, The God o' the Oligarchy....

Hmmm... I think I would be Kiama, the Goddess o' Something Clever, the Goddess o' wearing your SO's clothes, and the Goddess of KIAMA KISSES!!!!!!!!!! :* :* :* :*

So, what would you be?



LOL Cool thread Kiama :D
Hmm... If you ahve ever met any Aussies you would know that I am hardly representative of them all :p (I don't drink beer and don't even follow Aussie Rules FootBall!!!) But I am cool with the Arty thing :D

Maybe I could be the god of becoming nocturnal when I am on holiday. I am a little fixated on holidays at the moment - only a week and I get two weeks off!!! Ah... the sleep ins and late nights :)



God o' Magic!

*off on power trip*



Rhiannon: Goddess of laziness, debauchery and disorganization!

You may worship me by staying up very late to read posts on aeclectic.

You may worship me by doing shots of Red Headed Sluts, Tequila and Chocolate Cakes when you are out at a bar at 3 a.m.

You may worship me by never being able to find a matching pair of socks or your children's shoes when you are running 20 minutes late in the morning.

All hail me.... ah, nevermind. I'm too tired to be worshipped. I'm gonna take a friggin' nap!

Rhiannon :)



I thought that was ME! Well, maybe between the 2 of us we could manage to reign supreme over laziness, disorganization, and debauchery. I mean what are the chances that we'd both be napping/hungover/whatnot at the same time. . . . Oh, right . . . nevermind then.



Rhiannon, I hail and worship you! And I have done for 17 years!!!!

All hail the great Rhiannon!



I am currently on my second glass of red... I think I am hailing you with every sip Rhiannon! :D


Im the Goddess of NO,asin, No jumping onthe couch, no writing on walls, no sticking that fork inthe electric outlet, no using poopy as fingerpaint hehe

and Pollux is the God of Hot Unobtainable Italian Men ;)


napaisti: one more and we could be a trinity! woo hoo! then we all have plenty of time to sleep it off.

Thank you, disciples! I forgive you for waking me from my nap with all of your very loud, druken praise!

Blessed *hiccup* be!
Rhiannon :)


I could be the Goddess of Potatoe chips and Picking-Up-After-Other-People!

Really. Thsi is what I do almost every single day. At home. At work. Well, not the potatoe chips..:)