I'm making a 'new' 'bear' tarot deck...


Love the new borders, too, Lynnie! i say go for it! :*
:heart:Thanks sis!...they may vary a little because I had saved that one and forgot to save it
as a 'project file'...so I had to do it all over again last night! LOL :laugh:
I am so glad you don't mind waiting...I am on it though, dearest sis! :)

They look awesome!!! :heart:
:heart: Thanks Gryffinsong! that really helps me keep going! Glad you are in my corner!

:D :D :thumbsup:

Seriously, take all the time you need. You know we're there behind you all the way. :*
:heart: Thank you! firefrost! ... I KNOW I will get this deck online and it will be good!

:heart: @ everyone:
...and it is so weird, last night (all through the night) in my subconscious mind (and tuning into the Spirit World)...
...and for the first time in my life, I was not able to solve something, namely the border or sizing situation :bugeyed:
They were trying to tell me, but my thick head couldn't get around the info! YIKES!!!
What was being said was that I could even use a different border, they were showing me! YIKES!!!

But I couldn't decide then so when I woke up, I didn't have the answer...but I know it is there...
So today I just got away from it and did some other things around here ...this is the first
time (tonight) that I have been on the computer! I did my hair, played with my dogs, brought
in several days worth of firewood into my side storage room (new fireplace wood place :p LOL)

Re: what I am doing now:
Here is an idea of what I am talking about...(I actually wrote this down last night):

"Procedure for resizing"
1. Open an original 'project 300 x 500 pixel card file'
2. Try to delete the old border
3. Megarender the image 3 times larger = 900 x 1500 pixels
4. Save the megarendered card to my game crafter pinters file on my hard drive (so I can find it later after all 78 cards are megarendered)
5. Open saved 900 x 1500 pixel image and place it on 'top' of my new transparent border
which is 825 x 1125. Then move my megarendered image to the back and resize it to 676 x 1121 pixels
and move it to fit in the center of my 825 x 1125 new border
6. Type on the text (tarot card titles)
7. Also, fix any flaws that show up from the enlarging process
8. Save to my 'finished cards' game crafter printer folder on my hard drive
9. Upload all 78 cards to the game crafter site (my account with them)
10. Proof each card on their site to make sure it fits inside the cutting lines, etc.
11. Hit the 'publish button' to put the deck for sale on their site

Now, IF I had taken the time to 'read' their whole site, BEFORE creating my deck, I would
have seen that their tarot card sized template HAD to be 825 x 1125 pixels :bugeyed:
I would have saved myself all this trouble!

By doing it this way though, I can keep the aspect ratio of each card so it won't be distorted! YAY!!!
...yes it is more work, but why give up now?... I am NOT a quitter for sure!

Not giving up...just mulling it over now...LOL... I know I will get it right, be the perfectionist I am! Ha!

***MORE NEWS from today:
Remember back when I said I was going to get a new computer next year...well my B day
is in about 2 weeks (and it will be 'NEXT year' then)...sooooooo, guess what?
...yep, today I found and purchased (from the HSN.com shopping channel) (with flex
payments of $149 per month for 5 months) a 21 1/2" Gateway All in One Computer...
It looks like a laptop...and only 3 inches thick...but that screen is a HUGE 21 inch Screen
that I will be able to do large graphics on!...LOL

It also has the latest technology high definition 'touch screen' and it has a 500 gigabytes hard drive
and 4 gigabytes of ram! It only has ONE cable to connect and that is to the wall electricity!
Everything is built in and already connected up. It is totally wireless with wireless keyboard and mouse,
and it has internet WIFI connections. Comes with over $500 worth great of software I will
be able to have 14 or more programs opened on the screen at one time...I am so excited
that I can't even explain how I feel. Oh, and it has a remote control with a mini keyboard on the back too...LOL
They only had 300 left when I ordered mine and won't get any more of those for about 5 to 6 months.

Here is the page link if you want to see the computer...the stock image doesn't do it justice
so be sure to play the video that they have there on the top left of the page...you can see
how wonderful it is in action!

It will be delivered on the 12th just 4 days before my B day :heart: How is that for timing?!!!
I received a cost of living raise on my monthly widow's pension check (additional almost $200) a month,
started this month, so that will pay the flex payment. I have bought quite a few nice things
from HSN in the past and I like them a lot. To use flex pay, you have to have a debit card
because they just take out the flex payment from your bank automatically...and I have
never had a problem with them...they are very honest. It will be paid off by April 2012.

Why not get it for my B day for myself??? The computer is my main form of entertainment, except for the TV...LOL
Besides there is no one else here to entertain, except 3 little Chihuahuas! LOL
In fact I have been thinking about creating an 'Aye Chihuahua Tarot' deck! LOL...
...and maybe some divination games for the game crafter site...so the new computer will
really come in handy next year! Hope I am creative in a '4' personal year! (numerology)
If you think I am a perfectionist, just wait till I get in that 4 year!!! zowie is it ever exacting!!!

So you see why you haven't heard from me today!

Tomorrow I work on the borders...
:heart: tarotlyn


Happy (almost) New Year, tarotlyn!


I admire your stick-to-it-iveness. :heart: And I look forward to seeing what you come up with for new borders.



Happy New Year, sis [Lyn]:love: and everybody! :D Lynnie, i admire you so much, i can't even begin to express it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a creative Dynamo!:D

Hugs and New Years Blessings,
MoonGypsy xxx


Happy (almost) New Year, tarotlyn!
:heart: Happy New Year to you my friend! I hope it is going to be a great year for you!

I admire your stick-to-it-iveness. :heart: And I look forward to seeing what you come up with for new borders.

:heart: Thank you, GryffinSong! Not sure yet on the borders...but will probably keep them
like the last image I posted...

Happy New Year, sis [Lyn]:love: and everybody! :D Lynnie, i admire you so much, i can't even begin to express it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a creative Dynamo!:D

Hugs and New Years Blessings,
MoonGypsy xxx
:heart: Thank you, my special sis! The creative part comes from the 'L' at the beginning
of my name, which equals a '3' in numerology. And since I have two '3's' in my name, that
means that I want to 'share' my creativity...thus you guys being involved...I love it and I have
LOVED every second of sharing with all of you!
Happy New Year, my sis!
:heart: tarotlyn


Happy new year!!! Everyone!!!

Dear Universe...

All I ask for the
New Year is…


do not mix them up
like you did
last year! :p

Note: I just read that online! LOL Ha Ha :laugh:


:heart: And here are my 'New Year's Wishes' ...
... for all of my AT friends:

:heart: :party: :heart: :party: :heart: :party: :heart: :party: :heart:

May extrodinary peace be in your heart...
May great health remain in your body...
May wealth be in your life...
May joy stay in your home...
May you always be blesed with these priceles treasures...

...AND...as the year ends, don’t count what you lost.
Instead, cherish what you have...
...AND...make NEW plans for what to gain.

The past never returns...
...your future may still fulfill any of your losses.

... receive my simple gift of:

A very, very...

:party::heart::) “HAPPY NEW YEAR” :):heart::party:

...Wrapped with :heart: “LOVE”...

Tied with “a HUG & a :* KISS”...
..and sealed with a “PRAYER” ...

...to keep you & your family...
“SAFE” and “HAPPY” all YEAR long!

& a BIG :* for the New Year!
I love :heart: you guys!


:heart::) Hope everyone had a great New Years!

Today, I got a late start, but I did work on my documentation Meanings/Mini (?) Tarot Course
that now has grown from 12 to 17 pages :bugeyed: and I am only on 'card position 3' explaining
the Celtic Cross spread...then will add a photo of the card positions...then it will be done...
(but will need to do a quick proof reading of it before uploading it to the gamer printer site)

...getting that out of the way at least...

Too bad I don't have my new computer yet with that really large screen to use to work on
enlarging the cards. My laptop I am using has about a 15 inch screen (the new one will be
21 1/2 inches)...YAY...it will be so much better for doing large graphics...I am really getting excited :party:
...only 10 more days till it gets here!!!:)

Something got resolved (re: the borders) last night in my sleep (visiting the Spirit World)...
I know and feel it, but I don't exactly remember what they told me...but it will come natural
when it is time I'm sure. I will finish up the documentation tomorrow (Celtic Cross spread) and then
I will get back to working on the borders and the enlarging also tomorrow.

:heart: HUGS


Not to pee in anyones cornflakes at all but have you checked out the copyright thread to make sure that someone who's picture you used isn't going to see this and want to take action? Just wanting to keep everyone safe. I know when things are out of copyright they can be used but I don't know the laws around the whole use of pictures from the internet. The whole myth of changing things by 10% makes them yours really is just a myth. Just don't want to have someone who might be a bear lover see that you used their picture in the deck and get bent out of shape for not asking them. It has happened before.

Reason I ask is because there is a deck I have in mind but it would involve photos not take by me and didn't know if I could use them


:heart::) That won't be a problem for me since most of my photos came from personal blogs
and private photos. And actually the bears I started with are in no way the same as the
original photo, since I used several bear photos (per card to make 'one' bear) and their parts
are all interchanged and spliced and manipulated. Plus my own design and drawing changes
were made to each bear.

I don't know what kind of deck you are thinking of making and how you are thinking of designing it.

If anyone does have a problem, then once they prove it, I will buy the photo from them if necessary.
Plus I am not selling this deck to make any profit...only the cost of printing, handling, etc. and
a listing fee to list them on the web site they will be on.

ETA: Also, most of the blog photos I used are from public zoos that post public blog images
for everyone, and from other sites that allow use of their photos. I was extremely careful in
selecting photos.

:heart: HUGS


No worries, my sis!:love: i think you are perfectly okay...

How is it going? Any updates from the Game site? :heart: