In my dream, I was a female confederate solider???


Last night, I had a weird dream that I was a female confederate solider with short blonde hair and was carrying a riffle. I think I was the only female solider there....not sure if my comrades knew I was a girl but we were friendly with one another.

In the dream, I didn't know whether I was a solider from the Union or from the Confederate....I didn't realized which side I was until I woke up. I remember I was wearing a brownish or grayish uniform and I saw another solider further away wearing a bluish uniform....

I didn't know why I dreamt about the Civil War soldiers......I have always found the Civil War interesting but I was never highly obsessed with I haven't even been thinking about soldiers or about the Civil War in months (had a test during that era a while back)!

Also, it is kind of ironic that in this dream I had short blonde hair....because I remember in another dream I had a few months ago, I was that exact same girl but it was during a different era..

So what does this mean? Or is it just another a regular dream?


I think your dream tells you a lot. First of all it is fascinating that you saw yourself in two different dreams but were the same person. You might consider if this is your astral body or whatever it is called in a dream.

Secondly the fact they were soldiers would give the impression of what soldiers really are, as in regimented, uniformed, dedicated ?. All those things might be some values you hold or lack of them. Also the fact that you were female in what is usually a male setting.

The uniforms really set a date in context to the dream. You do not say what you were actually doing. Were you shooting people or just observing ?

No dream is ordinary. I sometimes wonder if they are a window into another world ie, civil war world that you entered. A frozen in time tableau of the way it was. Did you have any feelings of any type from the encounter ?


In the dream, I was just talking and chilling out with the soldiers and then the scene would change when I was shooting the enemies.....I think I shot at least 5 times.....a majority of them were hit my target....I remember one where I shot an enemy, who was standing somewhat near the bottom of a hill, in the leg and he fell down.

Also, during the time I was just relaxing, I felt at ease like as if it was just another friend gathering and when the shooting starts, I got serious....but I wasn't scared at all......I felt no regret while I saw the men that I shot went down.

For the was set somewhere way out of the towns, cities, and was in an area that had a high hill where the Union soldiers arrived from...

It was set in the late 1800's......somewhere in the 1860's....I know the war ended in 1865 (*corrected...^^;;).

There were more to the dream but I can't remember them.....X0


About your dream

I am an avid dreamer and every night I remember and record them. A long time ago I discovered that when I record dreams, it is very helpful to record how I feel. Instead of, "I shot a soldier" it would be, "I shot a soldier and I felt exhilirated but after I realized what I did I was feeling sad." Many times just experiencing those feelings are the interpretation. I noticed you didn't have "Soul Cards" on your list. You may want to look at them. I used them quite frequently in dream work. Without knowing how you felt in the dream it would be difficult for me to analyze it. I hope this helps. David


David92506 said:
I noticed you didn't have "Soul Cards" on your list. You may want to look at them.

Soul Cards? Do you mean I should purchase a deck?

Well, throughout my dream, from what I can remember, I didn't felt scare. I felt calm, I wasn't afraid of anything......even when I was shooting.....I didn't felt scare......I guess throughout the dream, I felt calm......not sure if that is gonna be of any help....^^;;


I wonder if this was a past life you're recalling? Especially since you have an interest in the Civil War.


The civil war started in 1861 and ended in 1865

The battle of Gettysburg involved attacking some hills where the Union troops had taken up positions.


willowfox said:
The civil war started in 1861 and ended in 1865

lol....oops on the date....I just know it was somewhere in the 60's ^^;;

willowfox said:
The battle of Gettysburg involved attacking some hills where the Union troops had taken up positions.

wow that is interesting.....I will have to look up more info about that....but I have to do that during the holidays....since I have too much things to do before the holidays.....T___T


zannamarie said:
I wonder if this was a past life you're recalling? Especially since you have an interest in the Civil War.

That is what I first thought at first too......but I can't be too sure whether it was a past life I was remembering.....hmmm......


When it happens again, ask yourself while it's happening, What is my name?
That might help. And if you have a name in the dream, you can do some research into that...

I got goosebumps while reading your first post, I do think it was a past life...