Intensive Deck Study (IDS) Support Lounge ~ Part IV


I'm in and I'll be using the Fenestra :heart:


DevilishAngel said:
I'm in and I'll be using the Fenestra :heart:
You're on the list :) Would you like to share an idea of a timeline, or parameters/guidelines for your IDS? What would you like to achieve, and what made you choose your deck?

\m/ Kat


I was just pursuing the karate analagy and it dawned on me that I have spent up to five hours at a time practising one kick. And that was one session on that one kick. There were so many sessions - just for that one style of kick. And with every single kick you knew immediately you'd done it that you needed to correct this or that aspect with the next one.

And there were many styles of kick, and of punch and block ....

Why did I think a few months with this deck would be enough? If I am to do this properly I could be looking at years with the deck.....

And why didn't I see this before?


Wendywu said:
I was just pursuing the karate analagy and it dawned on me that I have spent up to five hours at a time practising one kick. And that was one session on that one kick. There were so many sessions - just for that one style of kick. And with every single kick you knew immediately you'd done it that you needed to correct this or that aspect with the next one.
Sometimes even before you had thrown the kick, you knew what was wrong with it ;) I remember, too.

The thing is, you can't ever get away from the fact that Tarot is a microcosm of Life, and that means that it potentially can take a lifetime to even touch on the possibilities inherent in each and every single card. So it's not surprising that you see such breadth and depth in your deck. But it is touching.

\m/ Kat


I always thought/understood tarot itself would be a lifetime study - but I dunno, I thought I'd be done with this deck in about 6 months and then I'd have mental space for some Other Deck (Diary I'm looking at you ...) but now I may have to adjust all my ideas ....


I'd love to get in on this too. I'm working with my Kat Black, Golden deck for the 78 week study, so I'll be using that here too. I've got 3 or 4 books I'm using, but also journaling my own thoughts on each card.


Just got home from a wonderful exhibition at the Mori Art Museum titled "Medicine and Art". It was entirely made up of art pieces having to do with the practice of medicine since the 17th century, all the way from da Vinci to Damien Hirst. Something thats always interesting about exhibitions with neither a Western nor Eastern focus in Japanese art museums is that the two wind up being hodge-podged together, creating an extreme cultural mix that, while not the focus of the exhibition, allows you to make quite a number of interesting comparisons. The cultural mix has a way of pointing out, at the same time, both how very different and how very alike people are.

This mix allowed me, tonight, to have an interesting "aha" moment about my Haindl courts. I've been looking at them (the courts, and the cultural basis of the suits as a whole) as being completely distinct from one another; the swords are Egyptian and nothing else, and anything I study about Egyptian culture has to do with the swords only. Perhaps not to such an extremity as that, but you get the idea. Seeing German, American, Japanese, British, Tibetan, Indian, etc., artwork all hanging on the same wall tonight made me realize, however, that making such a distinction is too limiting. Sure cultures are different, but they're still all human-- in IDS terms, I realized tonight that I'm limiting the angle at which I'm looking at the courts. Rather than examine the four sword court members together, I have to examine all four mothers together, and so on.

This is, of course, something I'd been planning on doing anyway, but not until after I had been able to understand the suits on their own. Tonight I realized that I need to switch the order of study-- each court member as a group first, and the suit as a whole following that.

(Also, the art museum I went to is on the 52nd story of a skyscraper in central Tokyo and has quite a view. Just because its pretty, I'm attaching an iphone picture to check out...)


Devilishangel, jcwirish, nice to see you on board. Like thorhammer said, I think that most of us made up a set of parameters to follow when first getting started. I don't think its exactly required, but I find that having rules to follow really does help me to, um, follow them.


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Thanks for taking over the IDS again, Kat! Thanks for having done a great job with the previous thread, Rodney!

I'll be the one who drags in stuff from the old thread into the shiny new one. :D

My first item is seriously cobwebbed by now...
SolSionnach said:
Cat* said:
I also need to find the person who once posted their "WTF Spread" up here so I can thank them for sharing it.
Can you point me in the direction of that spread?
I had forgotten about this for a while but just remembered that I still hadn't done this. So here's the spread, and now I know my thanks are due to Kilted Kat.

rwcarter said:
I asked "What card wants to be on the top of the box I'm going to make for the deck?" and went through my normal shuffling process. And the winner is.... 4 Pentacles! My initial reaction was, "Um. Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy......" I'll have to think on the significance of that one for a bit.
I believe you're the small person, happily working with your one deck of choice and ignoring all others. Whatever that border around the workpiece actually is - it looks like a chosen limit to me, one that enables you to get your work done. It's about the work itself, not the prize you'll get in the end. It also tells you you don't need to buy any more decks because you already have a hard time accomodating the ones you have (look at how full the big guy's arms are!) :D

I'll also quote myself, in case someone still would like to say something about this:
Cat* said:
Aside from that, I've started to wonder about the seasonal and elemental associations of the Greenwood again. Chesca Potter and Mark Ryan use wands for fire/spring and arrows (swords) for air/summer, which is different than the RWS system of swords/air/spring and wands/fire/summer. Cups/water/autumn and stones (pentacles)/earth/winter are the same in both systems. I haven't thought this through but would like to hear your takes on associating summer with air/arrows (swords) and spring with fire/wands... Does that make sense to you? Why (not)?

Then there's Faolainn Storm (whose name I still don't know how to pronounce ;) - any clues for me?) to thank for the links to the model for the Greenwood's Four of Cups and to the White Stag! Now I want to go and look for the models all the other card figures, too. I can share a few images of the Cave Bear (pictured as skeleton in the Guardian and as live animal in the Queen/Holder of Stones), though. The Wikipedia article has a skeleton picture (second image down). I thought I had seen a photo of the exact posture as the Guardian there but must have remembered wrongly. The German Wikipedia links to this drawing of a similar Cave Bear skeleton. And finally, this is an archived version of a page about Cave Bears (some images are broken but the remaining ones are great and include prehistoric images, maps, and several close-ups of the skeleton from the New York Museum of Natural History at the bottom).

Faolainn Storm said:
And I'm not the least worried that this is off topic. After all the process of making a working copy of my deck has been a big part of my IDS. I has really helped me connect with the images.
I see what you mean, and I agree. Thank you again for all the helpful information about glueing and lamination!

rwcarter said:
Second, I realized that for my only successful IDS (Ancient Egyptian Tarot), I made a deck-specific box for the deck. My subsequent IDSs with the Transparent Tarot and the Fifth Tarot failed for other reasons, but I didn't make a box for either deck. So after I get my study area all cleaned up, I need to make a box for the deck.
This is a great idea. I'm currently housing my Greenwood in the bag tabbycat made me in the first Bag Exchange. That bag was originally meant for the Deviant Moon, but that has a box, and my Greenwood didn't, and so... :|

Actually, after making oak_woman's bag in the current Bag Exchange, I thought I could adopt the idea I used for her bag for my Greenwood. The fabrics would be great. But first I need to make a winter coat for myself... After that, however, I think I'll make a bag specifically for the Greenwood. I believe it would be another great way to get a feel for the deck.

That said: back to my sewing machine! ;)

P.S. zan_chan, that exhibition sounds great! I totally know what you mean about random juxtapositions and the fascinating connections that come from that. In fact, that's exactly how tarot (and studying, and life itself) often works for me. :)


I'm realizing that I've not done anything I'd set out to do with my IDS, though I am working with my decks in the 78 weeks study group. I'd like to get myself back on track. I like that I am doing the weekly Circles with those participating, but I need to get back on track and actually use my cards more.

Atempting to re-focus. Off to play some card games.


rwcarter said:
Update on this post from the last thread. I've gotten my desks cleaned off and I've chosen my card for the top of the box I'm going to make.
I asked "What card wants to be on the top of the box I'm going to make for the deck?" and went through my normal shuffling process. And the winner is.... 4 Pentacles! My initial reaction was, "Um. Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy......" I'll have to think on the significance of that one for a bit.

Have you seen the deck where the guy sits on a box for the 4 of pents? :) Before buying a deck, I usually check the 4 of pents first. My sitters (many in recovery) get it a LOT. Earth element/base chakra stuff is heavy stuff and 4 of pents covers a lot of that. I think of it as the "Lets start here" card. Many sitters will spend 3/4 of our time talking about that one card out of an entire spread.

Bye Rodney :-( I will miss you :-(

Welcome Thorhammer :) I don't really know you. This will give me a chance to.

I haven't said much HERE about my bunnies, but my studies are going strong.