Intuition or wishful thinking?


I am new to your website and to the world of Tarot. I have been practicing for a few months almost every day. My idea of understanding Tarot is that is a way of getting in touch with your intuition, your inner self. At first, I was amazed. It seemed like cards were literally reading my mind. But then I noticed that I always get an answer what I want or what I already know. Same thing is happening when I do readings for my friends. They are absolutely fascinated and I just feel that I could tell them all these things without the cards. For instance, one of my co-workers just gave her notice without any prospects for another job. Well, this is what she got in Celtic Cross.
1. Fool Reversed - that was not a very smart thing to do
2. Five of Wands - She is generally perky and loves challenge. It might help.
3. Eight of Cups - she is fed up with her job and wants to leave it no matter what
4. Two of Swords - she was thinking of quitting for a while.
5. Emperor Reversed - she lives with her mother. I don't have to say no more.
6. Hanged Man - Definitely looks like period of suspension is ahead
7. Four of cups - The job is really not that bad, I think ( and she is probably too) that she might regret it later.
8. Queen of Pentacles Reversed - this was the only card which did not make any sense to me.
9. Ten of Pentacles Reversed - Obviously, she is concerned with her finances
10. Six of Cups Reversed - not willing to let go, unable to cut the apron strings? True.
I hope, you see what I mean. Any thoughts?


In case you wanted another's my take, just by glance.

1. Fool Reversed - I don't think of this card meaning that she absolutley made a bad choice...I think this card means that she didn't put a lot of forethought into her decision. Felt she wanted it a certain way and did it without thinking of the consequences. Like the card...the man pictured is so busy looking elsewhere...doesn't realize he is on the edge of a cliff.
2. Five of Wands - Were their conflict with people at work? maybe this is a reason she was fed up.
3. Eight of Cups - Basically agree with your interpretation...that she was ready to move on.
4. Two of Swords - yes, this seems to be something that she's been uncertain about.
5. Emperor Reversed - Also, I think this card could indicate a need for structure and organization...for example, finding another job before she let go of this one.
6. Hanged Man - Not only does this card indicate suspension, but also can indicate a reversal in future events and accepting what the situations is and living in the moment.
7. Four of cups - I feel too that she feels like she made a mistake. Wondering if it was really as bad as she hoped.
8. Queen of Pentacles Reversed - When I think of the Queen of Pentacles, I think of a Donna Reed type character. A resourceful and loyal person. Nothing is too much trouble and is alwyas done out of the goodness of her heart. Maybe there was a lack of patience and loyalty pertaining to this job.
9. Ten of Pentacles Reversed - You pretty much said it yourself.
10. Six of Cups Reversed - This card is an indication of like you said, holding on to something that is beyond resurrection.

So in my humble opinion, from looking at these cards, I don't see the quitting of the job as a problem...just the way it was carried out. She probably should have put more thought into it instead of feeling angry or fed up and doing the first gut reaction. But I think the main message this reading is trying to get accross is, "Yeah, so you made a mistake, learn and grow." It's going to be really easy to fall into that "self-pity, i'm so stupid" trap. We all have! So I think the most important thing she could do now is to focus on the future and being constructive.


"My idea of understanding Tarot is that is a way of getting in touch with your intuition, your inner self. At first, I was amazed. It seemed like cards were literally reading my mind. But then I noticed that I always get an answer what I want or what I already know."

To me Tarot IS a way of getting in touch with your intuition, but it is also a way of tapping in to what you know. I have found that many people, when presented with a problem KNOW the solution. The thing is, most of us in certain situations don't trust our own judgement. For some reason, we just don't believe that we know what is best for us unless someone or something else gives us conformation. I have often found too, that when we know what we need to do, we don't want to because it will involve change, carrying out an unpleasant task, facing up to something we don't want to admit, or think that we are not strong enough to do what is neccessarry for the situation. For some reason, seeing it in the cards makes us accept what we must do. Tarot is not just to tell us what is ahead, it is also a way of organizing our own thoughts and helping to see things more clearly. With that in mind, it is no surprise that your readings are telling you what you already know. As someone on this board said in another post, The Tarot is layered in meaning. Once you recognize what you know, go a little deeper to gain new aspect on that.

I hope this makes sense to you. Good Luck