Someone help me with this reading please....


I just did a reading on myself and dont want to be bias so could someone please help me. I did a 3 card spread and it turned out like this:
....king of hearts..queen of wands reversed..nine of swords..

I asked if a person liked me. Someone please help thanks!!!


Jay- my gut reaction to this is - stay away from them!

My question is - you asked if someone liked you and pulled three cards- what where those three cards supposed to specify? Based on what you wrote, the King could be you, the Queen represents them, and the final card is a commentary. Although the signs here are not favorable, do not make the basis of dating or dumping them based on this one throw of cards alone. Perhaps you could be more specific in your questions, such as 'Do our two personalities go together or clash?'; 'What obstacles would we have, and can we overcome them?' You have basically asked a yes/no question, and Tarot does not deal with such questions so easily since Tarot is to help you find the reasons for things, and yes/no does not ask for reasons, only decisions.


I had been having problems with a person at school and so wrote him aa letter. I wanted to know if it went over al right. The three cards are past presnt and futre


Did the problems that you were having with this guy involve this girl that the Queen of Wands seems to represent? Were you and this person friends before and was he someone you would ask advice of?

I'd say the same as tarotbear. It doesn't look good. The 9 of swords says sorrow, doubt and suffering. If the 2 of you are fighting perhaps you need to back off for a while until everyone calms down from whatever took place.

I would also suggest a more in depth spread if you are looking for better answers/advice.

Rhiannon :)


HispanicJ: The initial impression is King-Hearts seems to represent a person who is open, generous, possibly a bit naiive; one who wears his heart on his sleeve. Queen-Wands is something else! Not someone to be trusted. Will take advantage; be the cause of trouble & anguish. Do not walk but run to the nearest exit! Overall, I would suggest you step back & think things over before proceeding further.
Tarotbear offers good ideas.


As usual, I'm going to part with the crowd on this one and take a wild venture into the obscure (anyone surprised?)

Since you said it was a past/present/future spread, I don't see the Queen of Wands representing the other person here. All three cards are about you and what you want out of this person.

Initially, this person was appealing to you on a level where maybe you admired or looked up to them. There may have been emotional feelings you had for them, but for whatever reason, you were not acting on those feelings. Perhaps you were denying them or trying to lessen their importance.

However, lately, your feelings have changed to feelings of outright desire. The Queen of Wands, especially when reversed, talks of powerful sexuality. She ain't about romance, she's about the physical contact. So perhaps you have acted on those feelings or maybe expressed them, or perhaps you are thinking about expressing them (wands also often mean messages to me).

As a result, the future is stressful. But the stress comes from within, not from someone else. So the message here is that you have to deal with whatever feelings you have and then deal with whatever fallout talking or acting upon those feelings creates. Reality is usually less scary than our imaginations, so by getting through this you will avoid the nightmares and melodrama of the 9 of Swords.



Thanks for the great advice everyone. I did look up to him and he really didnt like me so i wrote a letter to smooth things ove but i guess the cards are saying that didnt happend. Thats ok though. Thanks again everyone bye!