Irrestistible Cards


I think the High Priestess from the Tarot of Prague is probably my all-time favourite Tarot card of any deck.


Empress from the Druidcraft

Devil from Buckland Romani

Death from Robin Wood

Faith (Heirophant) from Tarot of Dreams

Queen of Swords from Toart of Dreams

Lovers from the Archeon

Judgement from the Archeon


What comes to mind without browsing trough my decks:

Moon - Old English
Star - Fey
Temperance - Fey
Five of swords - Fey
Six of cups - Thoth
Death - Thoth
Fool - Stairs of Gold

If I had to pick only one... Probably Temperance of the Fey Tarot. But that's for now :)


Sun from the Archeon
Star from the Archeon
Ace of Wands from the Robin Wood (the very card I need to replace. See "singles bar")
Fool from the Robin Wood
Ace of Wands from the Fey
The Lovers cards from the Cosmic Tribe
2 of Cups from the Cosmic Tribe
Lovers from the Osho Zen

I know there's more, but that's it for now. ;)


I like the Devil card from Buckland-Romani too. It's too bad that that deck is OOP.



Well, let's see,
The Fool - Shining Tribe
Ace of Trees, Ace of Birds - Shining Tribe
Death - ZernerFarber/Enchanted
and ALL of the FEY


All the majors in the Goddess deck, but especially Magic (Isis), The Moon (Diana) and Judgment (Gwenhwyfar).
From the Hudes deck - 6 of Wands, 4 of Cups and the Hermit.
Death from the Visconti.
A mixed bag!


tarobones said:
ALL of the FEY

:bugeyed: cheater! hehehe. Well I'll let you off since its such a groovy deck ;-)


Strength and the ace of swords from the Tarot of Dreams, then again the whole deck is quite irrestistible.