Is it customary to tip the tarot reader?


I am thinking about getting a reading from a Tarot reader at a local pagan bookstore.

I am wondering if it is customary to tip the reader beyond the fee charged?
If so, how much?


I would think not. If the reading is say, $20 dollars a half hour. I am pretty sure that money is going to the reader, but say the reader isn't asking for money, but the business she/he is reading at is paying her with food (I think someone said they read at a cafe for coffee) then I would say a graduity would be a pleasant surprise.



I was wondering since I am not sure whether readers receive 100% of the fee much like a tattoo artist, piercer or hairdresser who are independent contractors who pay the shop for the overhead costs and a tip is customary.

I want to be sure I don't overlook it but am embarrassed to ask. The fee seems to be pretty standard I think it is $60 for a ...half hour reading? Or 45 min I can't recall.


I tip. i know a lot of people who do this so i figure its the norm.


I don't think it's very common for a reader at a shop to receive the entire reading fee. The shop where I read gets a percentage of everything I earn while reading there, which around here anyway is the norm, although the percentage differs. Also, I imagine that in some cases, the reader sets her own fee, and in others, the shop may set the fee, which makes a difference as well.

I do receive tips quite often, which are much appreciated, although I never suggest or hint that my clients should do so, and I do not treat the ones who tip differently from those who do not.

The amount of the tips I receive varies greatly; there doesn't seem to be any rule about percentage that people follow.

If you are in doubt, call ahead and ask the shop, or ask the reader when you go there. People ask me quite frequently if I accept tips.


although if it wasn't in a shop and if the person was charging for about 100 an hour, i would not tip.


Thanks Apollonia and gorgeousbutterfly,

Yes I was thinking the same thing, that outside of a shop .. in their setting and knowing they collect 100% I probably would not, but in a shop it seems appropriate.

Now I will go prepared with an extra 15 - 20% in my pocket : )


I used to tip hairdressers when I used to get my hair done and when the girls and I go inside to eat somewhere (I try to take them out to eat at Christmas as part of the festivity of the holiday.) I make sure they know we leave a tip. When they were little, I wanted them to have that experience so they'd be able to learn proper manners in public. When they were little, if they thought I was forgetting, they'd either remind me or put up something from their allowance themselves. :)

If you're getting a reading from someone who is paid through the shop they work at, by all means giving them a tip would be nice.

If you're buying the reading directly from them, though, I wouldn't necessarily leave one. But if they're charging way less than you think it's worth, then giving a tip wouldn't be out of line if you think you got an exemplary reading.


I've never tipped a reader and I've also never tipped my tattoo artist or the one who pierces me if it's one I can't do on my own.

I do horribly over tip servers and hairdressers though.

I've never been tipped from a client that I can recall.


Grizabella said:
If you're buying the reading directly from them, though, I wouldn't necessarily leave one. But if they're charging way less than you think it's worth, then giving a tip wouldn't be out of line if you think you got an exemplary reading.

Good point!