Is it wrong to only use majors?


I can't say I read only majors but there certainly isn't anything wrong about using just them. Whatever suits your style.




Well, first, I have to echo what others have said: I don't see anything wrong with only reading the majors if that's what feels best to you.

One thing to consider, though, is that maybe you're trying too much too soon. The minors can be tricky, sometimes, and there are a lot of them. I've had a lot of trouble learning them, especially since my primary deck only has pip cards, instead of illustrated cards (which makes it harder for me to remember the meanings). To make things harder, I've found that most Tarot books that talk about the meanings of cards are very vague when it comes to the minors (at least the books that I've seen). Granted, the minor arcana is called that for a reason. It's kind of second-fiddle to the major arcana. But just the same, I find it's important to understand the nuances and symbolism of the cards, and the best resource I've found so far for learning that is the learning section of the Aeclectic site. Too many times, I've read descriptions of the cards that were far too simplistic, such as saying that the Two of Cups means the start of a relationship. Well, yeah, it can. But that's not going to be what it means every single time, in every single reading. It's more about the balancing of emotions, the start of something or an emotional decision. So maybe that's part of what's stopping you from getting the most out of the minors. Because I've had that problem -- the cards don't seem to apply because I don't understand what they mean.

So if you ever do want to try using the minors, I suggest going slow and maybe trying to learn the cards a few at a time.


When I first discovered Majors only decks, I didn't think they were for me. It felt like something was missing.

Of course, in the infinite wisdom of the 'verse, I then ended up with Majors decks! So, it was embrace them or not. I embraced them. I have discovered they are an amazing oracle...and really nothing taught me more about how cards can mean different things in different readings than to do alot of readings with a Majors only deck! Depending on the deck, there can be a level of detail and more subtle layers of meaning than a metaphysical baklava! And while I am an avid collector of spreads, I have discovered that I prefer to read without them, so a Majors deck is giving alot of bang for the buck in that you don't need as many cards to get the answers you need.

Now I have alot of Majors decks and love having the freedom of knowing I can read with them anytime.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong in Tarot...there is only what is right to you and you get to decide that!



I'm in tarot for 10 years now and i read with major only most of the times (99%)
Minor are more mechanical/fixed and i acces my intuition a lot more with major so yeah go for the major and let your intuition talk, that can give you wonderfull reading....

Omeada Lusvam


It's not wrong at all - it's actually a well-respected tradition. In some parts of the world, it's the dominant way of reading, in fact (e.g. in France and other Latin countries).

The 22 Major Arcana are the key archetypes of the Tarot. They articulate the whole system, and you can see these 22 archetypes repeated all over the world, in all circumstances, from your own neighbourhood onward. There isn't a human situation that doesn't contain some of those 22. That is the wisdom of our ancestors, who created the Tarot. The 22 minors are good for subtle variations of those situations, the counterpoints, and the flow of events - but the heart of the tarot is the 22 Trumps.

As Valeria and Omeada said, reading with Majors only will teach you about the many layers of tarot, and teach you to access your intuition more readily than if you have to take on board all 78 in one go. A lot of people learn with 78, then find that they have trouble with intuitive readings, especially if they learnt with rather rigid systems, like the Golden Dawn attributions for the minors, which are very fixed and in some cases, counter-intuitive. So if you spend a lot of time absorbing all those meanings, you have to unlearn them when you are actually reading!


wow thanks alot everyone thats really helped me put things into perspective. I think the majors help alot more with my intuition so i'll carry on with them but i am planning to learn the minor arcana too. if i have any more queries i'll give u a shout thanks again.


ManOfTheBox said:
I mean i just started out using tarot really and when i used only majors at first i got really great results, i always knew what each card meant, but now ive started adding in the court and minor cards i always feel dissillusioned with my readings, i feel like they dont apply to me at all. I was just wondering if anyone here ever felt the same way, but mabye im just not in tune with the whole deck yet i dunno. Any thoughts?
Nothing is wrong in Tarot. If something works well for you go with it. And if you are uncomfortable with something you never need to do it. Tarot is about following your instincts. While it is not wrong to only use the Majors, you are limiting the range of meaning you could get in a reading. Also to me the Majors are about major life lessons that the universe/your karma needs you to learn and the Minors are about the every day stuff. Of course not every answer contains a karmic lesson. So if you just use Majors the cards cannot tell you if it is or isn't I don't think.

Just my ideas....
