Jodorowsky Camoin : Foot prints!


OK, we have talked about the little balls, can we have a discussion about the 'foot prints?'

They appear on several cards:

La Justice
Valet D'epee
Reyne de Deniers
Roy de Deniers

Why? What animal are they? Are they birds? Anyone any thoughts?


Rusty Neon

I took a look at the indicated cards in the Jodorowsky-Camoin deck (as I presume your question is about that deck), and I can't see the feature you call 'footprints'. Can you give more details about what this feature looks like and where on each of the indicated cards that feature is located. Thanks.


Are you talking about those three-pointed little ornamental drawings on clothing? If you are, I can tell you they are used, in heraldry, and since the earliest medieval times, to represent a vest made of ermine fur (used mostly by the royalty). They are simply heraldic symbols, the same way that in black-and-white drawings gold is heraldically represented by a white field speckled with fine black dots, and silver by plain white.


Jodorowsky Camoin

Jewel-ry said:
...can we have a discussion about the 'foot prints?'
This is fun! Ok... I agree with smleite that they're those
ermine flooters, like royalty is always sprinkiling around.
I don't have the minors to check, but I see on L'Empereur
that he's got 3 on his left shoulder, and La Justice has
9 on her robe or sleeve, by her left hand.

Rusty will be sure to find more about the creator's intentions,
but from my old facsimile of a 1760 Conver, these flink-things
aren't on there...

So, could they be representative of Camoin's business logo?


Hi, Jewel...There is more in the book, but a quick glance at Jodorowsky's La Voie du Tarot shows that for La Justice, e.g., Jodo says the nine little "footprints" you see on the garment are, in his words, the nine triangles of the Hermit. Didn't see references in the others yet. Will look later.

The Hadar, the Grimaud and the Conver woodcut from Camoin don't have them. Interesting observation! Now, why the nine triangles of the Hermit?

They do look like tiny three-pointed bird prints! LOL



Thanks everyone,

I'm sorry for calling them 'footprints' but thats what they look like to me!

Trying to put an attachment here. Lets see if it works.



Try again


  • justice1.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 215


tmgrl2 said:
...a quick glance at Jodorowsky's La Voie du Tarot shows that for La Justice, e.g., Jodo says the nine little "footprints" you see on the garment are, in his words, the nine triangles of the Hermit.

So are the three triangles on the Emperor the three little triangles of the Empress? Now, that I can understand. Not sure about the others though:

Roy de Deniers 4 and a half !!
Reyne de Deniers 22 ish lol
Valet d'epee 6

I'd be interested to know what else is written in your book terri

Smleite - If they are heraldry why would Justice have them, do you think?

Rusty - I may be able to put up other scans if you want.



Tails: Ermine and/or Stoat

The weasel family gives us the ermine, also called a stoat.
Ermine robes of white fur came from the winter coats of
otherwise brown stoats. The white is what's important,
and this is why the "tails" are included in the design, to
emphasize that this is royal ermine.

So, on an heraldic shield, or a royal fur robe, white is the
operative word, and the three-tail design marking just a flair.

Why then, we may ask, are there ermine-tails on blue areas?