Keeping a Portable Divination Box?


I was pondering the other day, in preparation for my deck that I should be ordering soon, about keeping a portable divination box. I work at the local Goodwill and found a box and statue (Hawaiian wood carved of the Blessed Mother). I was also planning to order some Psychic Vision anointing oil, a tarot cloth, get a vial of holy water, a compact Bible, a white votive candle, runes, holy cards/medals and a pendulum.

I know that I will be asked to go give readings to friends, thus my desire to make it portable.

Does anyone else do anything similar? Anything that I'm forgetting?


Hello Folkwort, nice to meet you :)

I think lots of folks have similar ideas about a kit or bag or whatever - although you must remember that there are a lot of different religions represented here, and some peo0ple not at all religious - so what folks put in their travel kits varies a lot :)

You can also show us pictures of what you come up with.

Enjoy your journey, and keep chatting here, it's a great place


PathWalker said:
I think lots of folks have similar ideas about a kit or bag or whatever - although you must remember that there are a lot of different religions represented here, and some people not at all religious - so what folks put in their travel kits varies a lot :)

Thanks for the welcome!

As far as what you stated, I knew that was the case but I am very open-minded and may be inspired by another's "travelling kit". ;) Look forward to learn much from this forum.


I've been wanting to get some of that Psychic Vision anointing oil. I believe there is also a powder. I don't have a box, I just carry my tarot cloth, cards in their special bag (usually have a few crystals in there and a Saint Michael archangel prayer card). I put all of that in an attractive portfolio type zippered bag. A candle or two is a good idea, thanks


If it makes you happy, it makes us happy.
Just keep in mind it is easy to make the ritual more important than the readings. The cards are what are key and you can keep them in your back pocket next to your hanky, they won't care.


Welcome to AT FolkWort

Just wondering if anointing oils and powders may make things sticky or dirty after a while?

I can see where AJ is coming from and guess it all depends what beliefs you have as to why certain items would be needed in a divination container for your own personal practice but if you intend to read for other people then their beliefs will be equally if not more important because of the judgements they will make about what they think you do or represent when they see what you carry with you.

Sometimes it's less problematic for clients if the method of divination is simple and authentic. Runes are runes, tarot is tarot etc rather than tarot blessed with holy water from a particular religion or associated with Vodou or Christianity or Wicca etc each of which narrows the field as to what they feel comfortable with instead of opening all areas of divination up to open minded acceptance.

For myself, I just put whatever I feel like working with in my handbag and take it with me but I do have a special bag which has my portable altar in it. When working alone or with like minded people, this is what goes with me but then the altar is for spiritual working and not divination specifically. I know this may seem like a cop out, why not take it with me everywhere and not worry what others think but experience has shown me that very few open minded people in this world are sufficiently open minded to go past their own fears, preconceptions and past the trappings of ritual to the simple act of divining. Most are very much held fast in their own constructs of what is or is not 'right'. In order to foster that openness, divination without any religious or ritual trappings often works much better.

For me it is the difference between my own personal beliefs and what I do at home, my private practice so to speak and then putting that aside to meet others half way and offer something to people who may well think and believe something very different from me.


My practice is similar to what Milfoil describes.

I have to travel a lot for business, so I have a small box which is my portable altar. This is just for my own ritual work though. I've stopped taking candles along because there are few places where you can actually light them when on the road, but I have a small bottle of oil in there. I like working with scents, and the oils are sort of substituting for incense, as well.

My purse always has 1-3 decks. When I'm going away for several days, I have one of these jewelry rolls which holds a pendulum, Runes, and dice. I have no specific rituals for readings, neither at my home nor outside, so I really just need the tools to read and nothing else.


Thanks Milfoil and Aulruna.

As far as using oils and powders those would only be used if I am having a blockage or need an extra "oompf". The only ritual that I feel is a necessity is the client using their hand to make the sign of the cross over the cards. That's only because of my beliefs and the way that I work.

Another thing that I do is in any type of spiritual working is have, st minimum, a white candle burning for protection. Reason being is that when I do consult with a client sometimes my gift as a medium will kick in and I use the candle light to help protect from nasties/demonic entities/negs/etc.

One thing that I do know is sometimes the spirits will come through regardless of the candle or whatever form of protection that I may have. So then I rely on protection from my ancestors/spirit guides.

Now, most of my friends/clients know the way I work and are fine with it. I don't just do a reading for someone that I don't know very well unless I discern that I need to do the reading. It normally needs to be a person with a type of relationship or friendship that I will take in for a reading.

All in all it varies with a person, their beliefs, the way they work and their consultants/clientele.


welcome folkwort to AT.

when I first read your post here, I thought to myself, "a portable divination box!" what a great idea! then, I realized, I actually have this myself--well sort of. I carry one with me when I go to read at the New Age Shop. :)

I do get where you are coming from, and will tell you what I carry in mine. I have this small cloth bag, that is quite sturdy--sort of like an open purse, that a friend bought for me years ago. Inside I keep a tarot deck, sometimes two or three, and some crystals. I also keep a notebook, pen and clipboard in it for my clients to use to take notes. Now, while I understand your divination box is not going to carry the notebook, pen and clipboard most likely--it is how I travel w/my bag. My bag also has various crystals and I also have a rosary inside, and generally a religious medal or two, and perhaps even a prayer card/saint card. I change things around often, depending on how I feel at the time.

I think if I were to have a small box that I could pick up and carry for divination - unrelated to reading at the store- I would include of course, a tarot deck, a scrying crystal, crystals, holy medals, (I am Catholic and carry medals on me all the time), perhaps a reading cloth, (tho I myself do not care much for them), a pendulum is good too and runes. Perhaps a small white candle and matches, and maybe making sure something for each of the four elements- fire, water, air and earth.

I guess since it is your own divination box, anything you feel really drawn to is appropriate. sort of like a traveling altar for yourself.

nice thread! and again, welcome to AT.


while I like the idea of these devotional boxes or travel altars, I am just not devout enough about my spirituality to lug around anything other than maybe a piece of symbolic jewelry around my neck. I don't do much traveling at this point in my life anyway.

I am dying to see this Hawaiian statue of the Blessed Mother!