kellinator, et al: the "messages from your angels" deck...


kellinator (and whomever else), you brought up a good point about the specific nature of some of the card texts. i think i found a way to use this deck without running into that confusion. however, this is because i like to combine the two angel decks, as i used to combine the angels and the fairies. now, the new angels are in, and the fairies have a new home.
anyway, this is what i've come up with...
i keep all 88 cards mixed. i have my querent cut the deck and re-stack it. according to the backs, i can tell if the card on top is a "message" card or a "healing" card. if it is a "message", then i draw only that card--no further information is needed. if the top card is a "healing" card (and the next one after that, and so on) then i draw until i come to a "message" card, then draw no more after that one. essentially, the idea is to draw only one "message" card, while the "healing" card(s) enhance the message, if they come into the reading.
this method really works! these recent readings have been excellent...i have also found that the more focused the question, the more thorough the answer; but that is the case with all such tools of guidance, i am discovering.
i hope this helps...


WOW!! Thanks, Metaz, what a great idea!!
