King and Queen of Pentacles as the future


I just did a past-present-future spread for a current romantic interest, and the King and Queen of Pentacles popped of the deck out at the same time in the future position. I'm not officially dating this guy yet, and this kind of weirded me out, as I used to see the Queen of Pentacles as his ex (I think I probably need to change my perspective of this card because cards should not have only one meaning). Anyway, I also drew a clarifier, and it was the hierophant. I've seen a few different perspectives on what the hierophant can mean: a platonic relationship, a bridging connection between individuals, the influence of societal rules in a relationship.... I'm not really good at reading this card, so having it as a clarifier didn't help me much.

Could anyone give me some ideas about what the King and Queen of pentacles together may mean for the future of a relationship?


Perhaps a meeting of like minds...and a relationship that is based on stability, and perhaps material comforts.

Since pentacles also rule health, it could also mean that both of you would live to a rather old age. :D

Just my $.02.


no_moon said:
I just did a past-present-future spread for a current romantic interest, and the King and Queen of Pentacles popped of the deck out at the same time in the future position. I'm not officially dating this guy yet, and this kind of weirded me out, as I used to see the Queen of Pentacles as his ex (I think I probably need to change my perspective of this card because cards should not have only one meaning). Anyway, I also drew a clarifier, and it was the hierophant.
If you see his ex as the Queen/Pents, and if you got them both, along with the Hierophant clarifier, I'd move forward with caution. This would seem to me to be the deck waving a red flag at you (two cards, one which you "recognize"?). Putting it another way, the deck knows your perspective on the Queen/Pents, and I think it used that to give you an important message.

My guess would be, given the Hierophant (which, does indeed, sometimes mean marriage, or at least religious law on marriage), that this guy and his ex, whether originally married or not, are still knotted together in some sort of shared business or shared things. Maybe something as simple as the fact that she's still bitching at him about something he has that she claims is hers or vice versa.

I think the cards may be advising you that this guy is not yet so free of the ex as you may think. That while they may no longer have an emotional attachment, she will be around in his life (for the near future at least) to lay some "marital" claim on him regarding something they shared.


Hmm, a health/work focus may be what this points to. Thank you for the suggestion!!

Thank you for your comment!! While it's one of my greater fears that he is still bound up in that relationship with her, and maybe that's a possibility... he told me things with her were over on more than one occasion, and I have to trust that he has been telling me the truth.
Not that it usually helps to ask a second time, but I tried. About the future of our relationship, I got the Queen of Pentacles together with the 3 of pentacles, followed by the King. I might also mention at the moment that I have money troubles; he is overly focused on his work. We are also separated by distance. I'm starting to think that that is what these cards refer to the teamwork and patience it will require to make things go between us? Temperance shows up a lot in spreads for us.


Hi no_moon,

Given that you aren't really in a relationship with this man yet, getting the three pentacle cards may also be reminding you that the physical logistics of this relationship will cause concern--especially with the Three of Pentacles right in the middle, which points to the [probable] physical proximity of this man and his ex. The Three of Pentacles also says (to me) that there are three of you in this situation still (as Thirteen points out), and that financial concerns are very important in the scheme of this thing, as well.

Temperance is asking you to have patience and act in moderation as you move forward with him, and it also (to me) speaks about possible differences in culture or belief systems that may need to be dealt with on some level.


no_moon said:
he told me things with her were over on more than one occasion, and I have to trust that he has been telling me the truth.
They may well be...emotionally. He may have no love for her at all and she may have none for him. That doesn't mean he might not have some entanglements with her. A man can divorce a wife and never want to be with her again--but that doesn't mean they're done splitting the money, the house, the car, and all those other things they bought together during their marriage.

In short, I don't think he's lying to you; I just think that what he honestly and truly from the depths of his heart considers "over" may not, on another level, be as "over" as either of you would like. He may not even know or want this connection with his ex...but it may yet exist. Your second reading confirms it again, so far as I can see. There's that Queen Pents and 3/Pents. There is something the two of them were building that may not have been split or resolved yet.

This might not be what the cards are saying at all, but you should prepare yourself so you don't end up surprised or ambushed. And keep in mind, that tarot cards do not predict that far into the future. If the cards are telling you that he still has some things to work out with the ex--things having to do with finance not romance--then he might be finished and done with that very quickly. So even if you do find out that's what the cards were saying, it could be just a brief hiccup.


no_moon said:
Temperance shows up a lot in spreads for us.
And that you might be required to make a lot of compromises due to the situation.


My insight is the same as Thirteen's. That was my first flash when I read about both the two courts and the Heirophant and the two courts and the 3 of Pentacles.

Picture this, as Sophia on the Golden Girls would have said. :p Let me share something with you from my own life.

I used to date a divorced man who had two kids and owned about a million dollars in real estate as well as other assets. He was a hard-working, down to earth guy who was as sincere as they come. Very ethical and devoted to his kids and very devoted to me as well, when he could find time that he wasn't working. (He was a workaholic.) BUT---he had also maintained a close relationship with his ex, including a close business relationship in which he consulted with her on his business dealings and, of course, kept close ties with her where the kids were concerned.

The thing was, though, his kids were adults. One of them lived with him when he wasn't traveling and one was married and lived in Hawaii. So that much close contact over the kids really wasn't necessary. And the property had already been split, so being close with her on that was kind of odd, too, I thought.

He finally went so far as to make an appointment where I met the ex-wife over lunch with him when he got really serious about me. I distinctly got the impression that it was so I could pass (or not) muster with the ex-wife before he'd finalize anything serious with me, like proposing or suggesting we live together. At that point, I ended the relationship. Not solely because of the close ties to the ex but for that and other reasons.

That's what these cards immediately reminded me of. He may be very honest and serious with you but there may be some very close ties with the ex that you aren't aware of yet, like Thirteen said and like what transpired with the guy in my life.



Thanks for your advice and warning. That's really tough, what happened with your ex. Having to share both assets and kids, you would have had her in your life for sure, and I understand your feelings about not wanting that. I would not want that either!! But I am not sure how similar my situation is to yours. He moved away about 6 months ago and took his move as the opportunity to break up with this ex, a girlfriend of several years. Then he came to me honestly and said they were through, and has tried to show me more than before that he cares about me since then (he was very reserved before, because he wouldn't betray her). Even if they are back on speaking terms now, I know for sure from our past that he would not try get me to accept her or any new situation between them.

I just thought of this last night, but I should have mentioned that his ex is not the only woman related to the situation who comes up as the Queen of Pentacles. I have several female friends related to the situation who show up as this card. I thought of his ex because I got nervous, but the first person who had popped into my head when I saw the Queen of Pentacles was a mutual friend of ours. She is always helping me out, and she is dating a friend of my guy's (who shows as King of Pents). All four of us (me, my friend, my guy's friend, and my guy) went to school together. I think perhaps the cards may also have been suggesting that I go to them for advice.


In your question you ask 'as the future' and you mention The Hierophant as the clarifyer. Two possible meanings that it does relate to your group dynamics, but more to me, that you should be aware of the need to find out more of the situation. :): Do not forget this card, The Hierophant , is from the Major Arcana: it is powerful.