Knight of Cups


Helloooo everybody..I've had this card come up a lot for me lately..I'm not sure though'who' the knight of cups as a person actually he the typical 'romeo' that he seems to be depicted as, a bit of a heartbreaker, or somebody who is quite emotional and passionate? Any help on this one would be great..thanks all!

Alice x


Well, given as he is a knight he is on a mission, so to speak. He follows his heart's lead. He's kind of a slave to his own moods and feelings, though, as they tend to direct him more than guide him. He's sensitive, creative, artistic, spiritual, loving, charming, seductive, romantic. He can be moody, duplicitous, manipulative and inconsistent. He's a people person, though, and is usually drawn to vocations that deal with people, even as an artist -- art begs an audience.

If the card doesn't refer to a person specifically, it can refer to proposals, invitations, offers, or it may be advising you to follow your heart, be gallant, offer a romantic gesture, or a loving kindness to someone.



MercyMe gives an excellent description of this Knight. He's most certainly "Romeo" if romance is his inclination. Remember that what characterized Romeo most was that he was in love with being in love. That is, he pined away for the woman he loved (or thought he loved in the case of Rosamund), sighing in dark rooms, writing poetry, and, when it came to Juliet, climbing fences into enemy territory and hanging out under balconies.

Of course, you can see the negative side--Cups/Water make for dreamers who really aren't in the real world. They're likely to be fooled by grand illusions, to be moody, depressed, all emotion and not enough concrete action or rational thought. Romeo's crying jag after he's killed Tybalt comes to mind--and, well, his suicide when he finds Juliet "dead."

Knights are impulsive, and likely to drop into and out of such moods far faster than a more mature Queen or King.

There is also the danger of the Knight of Cups succumbing to drink or drugs.

Knights are, as MercyMe so aptly puts it, on a mission--and thus, in something of a hurry. They don't always give things time to develop or mature. The Knight of Cups mission is usually love or poety, music or art. Knights are also devoted to their kingdom. If that's the kingdom of Love, then Love is what they will devote themselves to, and defend. To the death--even if that might not be the wisest or most mature thing to do.


can a knight ever refer to a woman, for example the querent?


tralala said:
can a knight ever refer to a woman, for example the querent?
Of course. Usually a younger woman (or man), teens through twenties, the kind who have the sort of "Look out world! I'm getting on my horse and riding out of here!" vibe (as compared to, say, a Queen's mature feeling of "I'm keeping the homefires burning and the kitchen stocked...."). But depending on the spread and question, it could be anyone of any age.


It may also only mean messages of good news coming to you or from you. Not a person in particular at all.


The Knight of cups could mean a love interest coming in your life in the near future. someone who will try to show a romantic interest on you.


It can mean someone (any gender, any age) "riding in" to meet you. Someone coming to you, making an emotional offer to you.. of friendship or love or asking you out on a date, or asking you out to coffee, etc..


Cups: The Ambassador of Love

A study of Knights and the reality of their world
will reveal that they had very specific duties:

and then there were those who paid "Scutage" to
stay home and tend to their fields, and it was their
fields that motivated Knights, it was their payment.

So then I see the 4 Knights of Tarot (simplified) as:

Knight of Swords ~ Guard (alert, questioning)
Knight of Wands ~ Warrior (desire to achieve)
Knight of Cups ~ Diplomat (ambassador, go-between)
Knight of Pentacles ~ Scuttage (patiently tending)

And really that's all there is, historically. Service to
the Lord of the Realm was a "two-way" street. :)


Fulgour said:
Knight of Swords ~ Guard (alert, questioning)
Knight of Wands ~ Warrior (desire to achieve)
Knight of Cups ~ Diplomat (ambassador, go-between)
Knight of Pentacles ~ Scuttage (patiently tending)
I like these a lot, Fulgour! Thanks for posting them. I never heard of Scuttage--that really suits Knight/pentaces perfectly. These make a lot of sense!