Kundalini Awakening


celeste said:
Maybe you should see a doctor and get a complete workup. There may be something else going on that you don't know about. It can't hurt.
Thank you for your concern. I've had a CT scan, MRI, sleep clinic, EEG, blood work, etc. done and everything came up normal a year ago...yes, I've been dealing with this on and off for over a year. Diet hasn't effected it at all. So between my husband and I, spirituality is the only recourse. What else could it be?


Dark Inquisitor said:
Also , you might need some grounding stones and grounding exercises . Placing hematite on your third eye could be helpful .

Can you please elaborate on this?


I'm not exactly sure what you would call me these days, but I was raised a United Methodist Christian, and when I have major spiritual problems, I do as you do, I pray. If you believe in some kind of benevolent higher power, you might try leaving it in its hands, while you yourself back off of it a little. When I do that, I am /always always/ guided to safety and an answer. Just remember that you are loved and watched over. Trust in that love.

As for evil spirits and asking "the proper" spirit guides, I don't buy that. Sounds like BS. And sounds like you thought it was fishy as well, so I say go with your instincts. If you haven't invited evil, then it can't crash your party.

I don't know if this helps, but I wanted to give you a little reassurance. Hang in there. ;)


Dark Inquisitor said:
You might want to hold off meditating or doing other things that will stimulate your energy for a while until your energy stabilizes . Also , you might need some grounding stones and grounding exercises . Placing hematite on your third eye could be helpful .

Stay away from people who try to tell you that you have evil spirits . Usually they are the ones who are having problems with them , otherwise they would not be so rude and thoughtless as to scare the crap out of you that way . It's sounds like they don't know what they are talking about at all .

DI's advice is so good, it's worth repeating.


Drink fluids to assist in grounding (1st chakra) and 2nd chakra balancing.

People with "evil spirits" diatribes aren't worth your time.


Up to last night....

I didn't have any "zaps" in my head while sleeping. So that makes a GOOD WEEK slumber-free.

(Today I received those 2 books I ordered. You can be SURE I will be reading plenty!!!)

But last night I had two ALMOST zaps...meaning I *knew* something was about to happen and opened my eyes before it did. So it's like whatever it is, is *growing* and the next night will increase.

This evening I tried to limit my interest in tarot to reviewing basic elementary stuff instead of reading those 2 books about Kundalini Awakening and Spiritual Emergency.

I felt compelled to check in, let you know I'll be reading those books tomorrow and the next, and giving some feedback....


Just reviving this thread to ask about this energy.

It strikes me that something odd is happening, I've put it down to early onset or early stages of menopause but I think other energy may be present too.

I don't know much about kundalini but from what I can gather it is a latent energy within the body which can rise up through the energy centres until it reaches 'union' with the highest levels/over soul. Is that right?

Many people seem to spend their lives in meditation in order to achieve this because of the bliss and 'enlightenment' it brings but I have to wonder at the side-effects it has on the way up!

Recently I have experienced the following which are really upsetting the calm I have taken years to find:

Mood swings, from completely calm and happy to ANGRY in a split second
self doubt & soul searching
static shocks
increased visionary experiences
feeling 'out of step' with the world followed by feeling completely connected on a profound level.

I could go on but you get the picture, something keeps knocking me off balance, like surges of 'something' which make me question everything about the world and me in it. One day I feel grounded, connected and blissfull, the next I am adrift, tossing and turning like a life raft in a storm.

The thing is, there are no external stimuli to account for these swings of emotions, I have to consider the possibility that some inner energy is moving.

I also wonder at the possibility that menopause could be a 'symptom' of this in some way rather than the complete cause, like a necessary part if you will?

Always Wondering

Milfoil said:
Just reviving this thread to ask about this energy.

It strikes me that something odd is happening, I've put it down to early onset or early stages of menopause but I think other energy may be present too.

Though I am not well read on the subject I have seen several make the link between a change in Kundalini and menopause. Susan Weed an American herbalist is the first one that pops to mind, she has lots of info on the web, and a great book on the subject, The Wise Woman's Way to the Menopausal Years Age 30 to 65.
You might also try a search "the yoga of menopause".

Hope this helps.



Thanks AW I will. :)


kundalini is spiritual fire. When we unravel our masculine/femine aspects like in the ritual about the maypole. It allows our creative fire to flow freely. It is also called promethian fire. It's simply more willful expression of our higher selves.

You can have hot flashes with it. Strange fevers with no infection to cause them etc.



Here is an excellent link that can help answer a lot of your questions:



I have to tell you, that your KUNDALINI can be awakened just by using Tarot cards
for years or by studying Metaphysical subjects intently over the years.
I have studied and taught most Metaphysical subjects for many many years.

Fortunately, my own Kundalini awakening experiences (many) were very positive for me, but I
joined a group online (be very careful of groups online!) and found tons of
people that have had their lives COMPLETELY RUINED

These are people that had used guides and that didn't use guides (or teachers).

My Kundalini awakening happen "without" me trying to activate it!
It has opened my Spirit to the Spirit World...totally. When being contacted by
them in the beginning it was frightening...now it is peaceful.
But I never asked for this...AND I DO NOT recommend that anyone
deliberately try to force this awakening. It is so very serious.

If your life is TOTALLY PURE ...go ahead then... if not, (and you are still
very carnal or flesh orientated) it is definitely not a good idea.
I had and sought after "spiritual experiences" long before this awakening happened to me.
I believe that is what protected my chakras and my body from harm.

Most of the online groups or yahoo groups or other Kundalini mail groups, etc.
are of an Eastern religion and they did press me for $ after I joined.
Almost every avenue within these groups lead to a Hindu membership.
The do not believe in God. At least the ones I met. My Kundalini awakening
experiences have allowed me to see and talk to Jesus Christ in the Spirit and others.

I am normally very quiet about this, UNLESS someone is playing around and
needs guidance or warning...

Keep in mind that these are my own experiences (just briefly told here).

I said I was fortunate with no serious side effects...but there is still a lingering
effect of ringing in my ears...but I have been medically tested for it and
the doctors are puzzled because the ringing is in the "center" of my head and
not in my ears. I hear the sound of the Spirit World 24/7...I can tune it out...
but never off. I have chosen to use this as a gift and to help others with it.

The link I posted above will explain the noises that can start in your head
and other symptoms from people that have already experienced all of these

:) :love: tarotlyn