Le tarot du FROMAGE


The great mouthpiece of the seditious one has tempted us all with a little known and also non-existant deck called the tarot du fromage....

While it does not yet exist, I vote that we vote on what cheese goes to which major.

I am ready to nominate Le MAROILLES for Arcane XV Le Diable....

Le Maroilles, for those of you who do not yet know its puanteur cruelle is diabolically pungent.... it was invented a thousand years ago, by monks in the Maroilles Abbey. (Northern France)

Proper initiation to the Maroilles must be done by a stolen lover, with candelight, and strong red wine...

french wikipedia article on Le Maroilles

ana luisa

Gouda cheese could be the SUN...


Reminds me of an article I read once...

Tiromancy btw is divination by looking at cheese and how cheese curdles. That Dan Guy is a serious wack job...


Swiss cheese for the Heirophant, because it is so "Holy". :D :D


That Dan Guy is a serious wack job...
Well, he would be taken more seriously if he put on some trousers once in awhile.

Hmmm....Let's see...

Brie for the Lovers (the warmer, the meltier??)


Cheeze Whiz for The Fool; a very happy-go-lucky sort of way to eat cheddar.... unless you aim wrong....


Epoisses is a close second to Maroilles, but since it smells like something's dead, yet somehow changes your life when you eat it (for the better, I add), I think it should be attributed to XIII-DEATH.

Gruyère (the real Swiss one, not the fake French ones), undoubtedly is the EMPEROR of all cheeses. Hard, consistent, a meal in itself, it has conquered the world... (Cheddar as an RWS alternative ;))

Roquefort is III-THE EMPRESS, because it is so generous, green and with so much taste - and growth!

Camembert is VII-THE CHARIOT- because when it's ripe, it runs by itself, and you have to control it (or eat it :D)

XIV-TEMPERANCE is - of course - cheese fondue, made strictly with the two ingredients of Gruyère (the real stuff) and Vacherin de Fribourg. This also ties it neatly and numerically to IV-Emperor.

As for my beloved II-PRIESTESS...what cheese will do her justice? I think one of those that have to stay for months -nay, years! - in cave-like cellars, hidden behind a semi-transparent cheesecloth...but when you taste it, you know the secrets of the universe and beyond...Alas, I cannot reveal it's name!

Sigh. I am going to enjoy this thread. I miss my cheeses! WEEP :(


If I got stranded on a desert isle, I think cheese is the food I would miss most!

I would say the Hermit would have to be represented by Limburger because no one would come near him, anyway!


Muenster cheese for the Hermit, as it was made by monks....

'Muenster cheese is a smooth textured cheese with an orange rind that was originally produced in France and then in the monasteries of Germany. In fact, “muenster” is from the Latin word “monasterium”.'


Many of the great cheeses were made by monks. Monks who lived in communities, not hermits.

I think Corsican worm cheese might do quite well as the Tower - seeing those wriggly worms hop around the cheese and having to eat them is certainly a shock for many people :D

Wensleydale for the Moon - at least for its pallor.