Lenormand Idea and what I learned

Lil Red

Hi everyone,

I just realized something interesting as well have an idea, but first let me tell you the interesting thing.

The interesting thing I learned that I am no longer afraid to be way off in my readings, especially in the lenormand cause I am learning a lot just by the feedback.
I noticed that the cards finally makes sense once I read the FB especially since I drew the right cards, but I still need to learn how to put everything together. Now, that's the hard part. Also, it is definitely contributing in my lenormand studies as well my journal.

Okay that was my interesting topic and now on to my idea.

So, I read blogs about the lenormand as well their daily draws, but I had not found any blogs where you can feel the person frustration in the lennies or their accomplishment. I'm trying to find a blog where the person starts from the bottom as in not knowing much, but just the basic.
I'm not thinking in creating a blog, but a thread where I can write down my frustration (more like my rants) and my accomplishment. Also, anyone can join in and just write down your thoughts about how was your day in your lennies study or if you are barely studying the lenormand than a simple, "I have no idea what I'm doing." Will be fine as well cause we need to start somewhere.
It's more like a study group.

So what do you guys think of the idea?


It sounds a great idea. Study groups shouldn't just be about this card image means this to me (as is the main case in the tarot study forum) but exchange of what worked, what didn't some eureka moments etc.

I have been doing that in my journal. If I have had a daily draw (and I tend to use x 2 Lennies and x 2 tarot) I star enter it as it is worth remembering should the same card combo appear.

The mods may decide it is better in the Lenormand readings section but if it is somewhere and we all know where? Sounds great to me :)

Lil Red

That way we can see each other views in their combos as well compare it to others. It's like a swamp of information as well thought provoking.


I like the idea and would like to take part too. :)


I would enjoy participating in this! I hope your new attitude of not being afraid to be off in practice reads rubs off on me too.

Lil Red

So, now that I know people are interested let's give it a name to the thread any ideas?


We could give a nod to your new realization, which I love, and go with fearless failure ;)
What is it you want to describe?

Lil Red

Fearless failures I sure like that one :D
I want it to describe it like our eureka moments as well our failures.
Cause we now we succeeded since we learn a lot from our failures or so that is what I think.


Remember the sketch comedy skit "coffee talk?" What about Coffin Talk using the coffin symbol of endings and new beginnings to represent the failures giving way to learning and triumph?

Lil Red

Remember the sketch comedy skit "coffee talk?" What about Coffin Talk using the coffin symbol of endings and new beginnings to represent the failures giving way to learning and triumph?

I like that, Coffin Talk especially the way you described it.
It sure fits what we will be chatting about.