Lenormand/Titania Draw 8


Hello all :)

I have a Lenormand deck and a Titania deck too and I like their symbols but a year ago I did a reading about the future of my love relationship and I never understood it clearly.
Perhaps you could give me some insight!

garden - woman - tower - man - dog - ring - clouds

Thanks for your help!


Welcome Queendelilah

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have an extra reading this week. (.. and a real life guinea pig too!) :)

I'll get back to you with mine, I'm sure the others will be around soon. :)



I don't know about anyone else's opinion, but I think it may be time to do another spread. A year ago is a long time.

also what about an expanded thread?

in fact, please do one and I'll be more than happy to have a go at reading it.

but in the meantime my feelings from this spread is:

garden - woman - tower - man - dog - ring - clouds

the centre of this reading is about a man from the past, an old friend, there is a relationship between this man and woman, it is a good relationship, and there could be a lot of thinking to do.

I don't think it says anything specific, its more in the here and now rather than predicting anything for the future.

anyone else have some input?



Hi queendelilah, this will be my second online reading ever, so here goes..
if I understood correctly, you were asking about the relationship you were in at the time.

My take is that the cards just mirrored your question at the time, you are the lady, described by surrounding cards, he is described by surrounding cards. Worries are the clouds. Was there a wedding? Worries about if it would happen, probably. Otherwise, you seem to be a very popular, extroverted person, large social circle, and you like it that way. You can retreat when you need peace, but never for long, and then you are back. You are quite attractive, but you can come across as arrogant, standoffish - your partner too. Priveliged background?
Your partner bluffed being sure about you, but you were actually sure of him. He is similiar to you, maybe less extroverted, a little quieter, but he still likes going out. He is loyal and a good friend to you, very trustworthy. But both of you are dominant and had a lot of ego issues going on, and turned to sulking to punish the other, you shut each other out during many quarrels.
But otherwise, at the time, you both were quite happy with each other(him more than you), but power-tripped a lot. But nothing serious, just passing issues that seemed serious at the time, but it shouldn't have broken up the relationship, which was very stable.
Were you asking at the time of a fresh breakup? If so, the breakup happened only to try and call the other's bluff, and shouldn't have been a serious one.

That was my take, but yeah, lol, time for a new one...


hi Queendelilah :)

First thanks for letting us have a go at reading your cards :)


Remembering that you did this a year ago -

I'd ask if you were fed up in your relationship or going through a dull period where you were questioning the relationship BUT at the same time were you also thinking of someone from your past? Maybe thinking of meeting up with him again?

I didn't get a bad feeling off those cards but i did get the feeling of you not being as emotionally happy as you once were. Maybe you were just thinking back on how things used to be between you?

Hope all is well now for you :)

Juanita x


i get that the couple has a good relationship, that she would like to take further, but he's afraid of commitment.


Well I look on it as a Woman looking for a fresh start the Garden, with an older man, or man from the past, who was or is a freind who is married the Ring and the Clouds next to it could show that the marrige is on the rocks or nerves that the man is married. Did you catch up or meet him in a garden?



The beginning of a long relationship that grew out of friendship. There were probably worries/fears about risking the friendship.

It would be very interesting to see a reading for the relationship now.


I wouldn't mind

if Queen Queendelilah wrote and told us what the future turned out to be!!!!

It would be very interesting to see what happened next.

Talkng of that, somewhere in the Tarot Section, I think in spreads, there was a spread on someone who wanted to meet an ex-lover and was asking the cards what they predicted the outcome would be, what he was thinking of her and vice versa. I thought this very interesting because a couple of weekends ago, after years of wondering, "what if", I bumped into an ex of mine after 7 years.... I don't think the cards could have predicted the outcome of that.


With Lenormand

garden - woman - tower - man - dog - ring - clouds

What is interesting to me in this spread is that the Man and Woman are looking at each other, with the Tower (long lasting happiness) is in between. It appears to be a happy spread.

There is a sense of friendliness about the spread too making me feel as though they were friends first (Garden and Dog), before a love relationship started (Ring). The Clouds at the end, and with the light side facing the rest of the spread is positive towards happiness too.