Links between Suits ...


1-If one compares the Numerals Suits,a connection "jump" ready I think.
2-DENIERS and COUPE seems to sweet embrace the sequence with the stems.
On a very sweet lovely manner.
3-Just for me of course,the first and the last of the suits.
Just see the 10 of the DENIERS where the biggest cup (God) fill the rest others 9 (the mankind number ) with his Love.
4-On the other side thus we have the EPEE and the BATON more "dry",tres sec,more masculine on a earthy sense I mean.
5-So again 4 divided by 2 // - I just think here we have.
Two poles,too complementary after all.


Kircher Tree

Deniers are special.

Gregory Ossipowitch Mebes said:
Если умыть первые 10 Мажорных Арканов и соскоблить с них корочки, то как раз получатся бубновые Очковые Арканы в их натуральной последовательности.
En Inglés:

If you soak the first 10 major acanes and wash the crust off, you will see purely the numerology of the minor suit of DENIERS in sequence.


Hello Kircher...
-Remember that in numerals we haven t the number one we have Aces.
And then jump to two.

1-Ace:God Archetypical World.
2-Two: God duality material Idea of the World so the Universe.


-On an another thread I began a trip about numerals

1-Numerals are 40
2-Suits are 4
3-But one is unnumbered so DENIERS.
4-So we have a pattern of 1 + 3
But also we have a pattern as
5-The card are read from left to right so if we have an Ace of EPEE sending the suit from left to right,I m free to think that this is the first suit.
6-So then comes BATON
7-And then at the end comes COUPE
Which haven t any direction suggested as DENIERS

Kircher Tree

The Ace Sword and the Ace Wand are both coming FROM a round disk. The 10 Cup "seems to be" coming TO a round disk.

But what if: "In the suits of Swords and Batons, the original ranking of the cards was ( in descending order) King, Queen, Knight, Jack, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,Ace, while, in the other two suits of Cups and Coins, it was King, Queen, Knight, Jack, Ace,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10."

Judged as quoted, the situation is turned around for the cup and disk. So the cup suit is coming FROM a round disk just like the others. So ALL suits are coming FROM the round disk. To those who have the wisdom to see what is hidden, let them only understand.


Yes I m agree.
The rest of the three suits are coming from DENIERS.
On a manner or on another that is strongly suggested.
So if one see on the 10 of COUPE the biggest one has a cross inside it as DENIERS have suggesting the "arrive" to end,so to a new begining.
-With regard to the honours I thik they come afer the numerals because they are named but unnumbered.

Kircher Tree

Here are suits to experiment with in this order:

1. Deniers: Gold
Creative impulse, 1st cause. Transformation.
The cause of the 3 created suites.
According to direction: Spiritual (uncreated) Gold to earthly Creation. Or Earthly Ore through Physical Gold to Spiritual Gold.

2. Cups: Salt
The un-formed creation. Tehom, the face of the deep. According to direction: Water through Salt to Earth. Or Earth through Brine to Water. (10th cup = "I am the Salt of the Earth")

3. Swords: Mercury
Forces of Formation. Logos. Separation of Waters above from Waters below.
Parting of the Sea from the dry land. Earth through Fire to Metal.
Or Air through Metal to Water. (Fire of watery smoke)

4. Wands: Sulphur
Life. Growth or Decay, according to direction. Earth through Wood to Fire. Fire through Ashes to Earth. (Fire of earthy smoke)

Deniers = Neither Active or Passive ("I am what I am")
Cups = Passive
Swords and Wands = Active. Both have to do with the created world. Both have to do with fire of DIFFERENT types. Both are emerging from Disks in their Aces. The sword, a formative tool is emerging from a disk that is not yet completely formed, and partly hidden to the side. (That creation is still "watery", like Tehom.) But the Wand is coming from a fully formed disk, a completely created world.

I will be using these for a few weeks to see what the results are.


Hello friend...
-What is "Tehom" ?


Kircher Tree

"veharetz hayta tohu vavohu vekhoshekh al-pnei tehom veruach elohim merakhefet al-pnei hamayyim"

Genesis 1:2:
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.".