Tonsured Acolytes & Funny Hats


Of late I have been pondering the possible significance of the hat
slung over the shoulder of the kneeling figure on our left in the
card known as V Le Pape. Has this acolyte, or cleric, come late to
his appointment, or does he plan on making an early departure?

There are, of course, other possibilities. But what's with the hat?


Hats, caps, and all that...

A skull cap is small and round, closely fitting the top of the head
and with no brim or peak, although it can have a short tail. Also
known as a calotte, it was often worn under another cap or hat.
A version of the skull cap known as a zucchetto was adopted by
the Church as a round cap to cover the tonsure. Another variant
of the skull cap was the biretta which, by the fifteenth century,
developed into a stiffened, square shape with three or four raised
ridges on the crown radiating from the centre. (note * at bottom)

The Tonsure

Tonsure, from the Latin tonsura, denotes the cutting of the hair
as well as the shaven crown worn by clerics as a distinctive mark
of their state. It was eventually reduced to the size of a fried egg.
It was a sacred rite, by which layman were received into a clerical
state, and the prerequisite for the reception of orders. (continued)

The Acolyte

It was not uncommon during much of the Middle Ages
for the village priest to be a local boy, if not from the village
then from nearby, who was sent off to monastery school
at seven or ten, and returned a few years later. A small
village might have only the one priest. A larger one might
have a priest plus an acolyte.
from: Medieval Society

Acolyte: Someone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical
service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in
the Roman Catholic Church. (fr.Gk: akolouthos, attendant.)

A Glossary of the Medieval Church

Acolyte: the highest of the minor orders of the ministry,
they had particular responsibility for candles and assisted
in preparations for mass: the highest of the minor orders.


*A merry chase after some funny hats...
will get your here, but ~
click on "Hats" in the lower Right corner,
and then "Caps" upper Right in text. :)


What's with the hat? I suppose some might say since the hat is off, the crown chakra is symbolically open. However, knowing the church, the hat has probably been passed and the money has just been delivered.

In the card I am looking at ,the restored Camoin, there seems to be a little optical illusion going on. You can see the hat as the empty underneath view, or if you change your perception it will flip to the crown view.

Hey- why is the one reaching towards the other's....?


Such cynicism. Sigh.

I saw the hat on one of the sites I was trawling yesterday - it's an abbot's hat.

So at least one of them is not an acolyte but a high-grade abbot. It would have to be a cleric in orders, anyway, as he is tonsured. He wouldn't need to pass his hat round, however: his Abbey would automatically be able to collect tithes. Very nice.

The other fellow, I don't know, but he is also tonsured. Since he is kneeling at the same time as the left-hand abbot, I would say he must be someone at the same hierarchical level. Any ideas?


Helvetica said:
Such cynicism. Sigh.

Well, you know what they say. One person's cynicism is another's realism.


Dark Inquisitor said:
Well, you know what they say. One person's cynicism is another's realism.

Well, you do call yourself an Inquisitor, so I guess you're right.

*Brainwave* - I wonder if the acolyte is not one of those! Inquisitors were highly regarded in the old days. The Chief Inquisitor against the Cathars in the 14th century became Pope later.


Helvetica said:
Well, you do call yourself an Inquisitor, so I guess you're right.

Actually, that is Holmes' doing.

Still pondering where that guy is reaching for though. While the pope looks the other way ...


Dark Inquisitor said:
Still pondering where that guy is reaching for though. While the pope looks the other way ...

In my cards he seems to be patting his knee. Maybe you have another version? I suppose I'd look the other way if some tonsured fellow patted my knee while I was imparting world-shattering truths. Of course in the alternative version, it depended what the fellow looked like under his tonsure.


Patting his knee? I am looking the hand in the link above , the hand near the bottom of the card. Kind of makes me want to make a little moving toy out of it. The pope's eyes going back and forth, with all the hands moving.


Enjoying this little repartee. Could the acolyte be indicating to the audience with the joke 'As above so below' Hmmm.. the knowing of the future -a card is coming called the Majician. but truely they are just receiving a blessing Yes?


Blessing, yes - but since the Pope's hand is leaning right - I'd add he's saying - go forth and don't multiply!