Lo Scarabeo's Tarot Magic and decks...


Just been browsing through the Tarot Magic book of past Lo Scarabeo decks and there are unpublished and forthcoming concepts (no dates)...as well as some of the 2007 titles not yet released in the U.S...

My favorite unpublished images were from the "Tarot of the Man-Child" on pages 86 and 87. Ten beautiful snapshots of paintings from Giorgio Trevisan of the Tarots of the Rennaissance illustrations.The images also remind me of the 22 major Tarot Romantici, which has my favorite fool of many decks. I even sent an e-mail...hoping perhaps they might at some point find their missing element to make the unpublished Giorgio Trevisan paintings into an oracle... or perhaps combine the ten paintings in the book with the 22 majors of the long ago Romantici...maybe make a poetic oracle of pictures to inspire us to look back into innocence even with the veiled shadows of daily life seemed to fall so dark...

I got the book via TarotGarden.com...I was very pleased.

Hope to see discussion on this!



Hi Cerulean,

I started a thread on the book two weeks ago and others have given input to it.



Thanks Rodney--I'll add my comments there.

Thanks again.
