Looking for a love relationship in the past spread


HI everyone!

Ive been trying to come up with a spread to get insight on a past love relationship for another person. for example what happened in the past relationship/s, what went wrong that now the person is the way they are. or what issues caused them to be this way in present relationships. (ie. distant, cold, cheater, scared, that sort of thing)

i guess that could be two cards right there, but i cant think of the next question. maybe how the person can be helped so that they will be able to have better relationships now?

I'm stumped


In the spread index under relationships there are spreads that give the purpose of the relationship, you could also change the questions to fit what you want possibly


how about this one:

1- Why the relationship ended
2- How the questioner felt about this
3- How the other felt about this
4- What the questioner learned from this
5- What the other learnt from this
6- Why the other acted the way they did
7- What does the questioner need to release
8- What the other needs to release
9- Advice for the questioner
10- Advice for the other
11- Outcome/future

         2    3
         4    5
         7    8
         9   10


thanx so much! I'll try to see how it goes :)