Lorenzo de Medici / Inventory



Ross gave this source, a copy of 1512 of the inventory of "magnifico Lorenzo di Medici", made at his death (1492)

"Questo libro d’inventarii è copiato da un altro inventario, el quale fu fatto alla morte del magnifico Lorenzo de’ Medici, copiato per me, prete Simone di Stagio dalle Pozze, oggi, questo 23 di dicembre 1512, per commissione di Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici."

Following items I found of interest:

This might be the Fama object made at his birth.
"Uno desco tondo da parto, dipintovi il Trionfo della Fama / fiorini 10" (p. 30)

This sounds rather interesting, but I can't identify the words stoletto and bromzo; somehow it's a Trionfo of Bacchus with 21 figures
"Una stoletta di bromzo, coè del Trionfo di Baco con 21 figuruzze / fiorini 10 "(p. 117)

A book with a focus on Fama
"Uno libro in carta pecora, scritto in penna e lettera vulgare e miniato d’oro, chiamasi Trionfo di Fama, scritto di mano di Iacopo di messer Poggio, overo lo mandò a Lorenzo de’ Medici" (p. 192)

I don't know "spalliere", but there are 2 Triomfa della Fama and two Triomfo dall'Amore
"Quattro spalliere, dua col Triomfo della Fama et dua col Triomfo dell’Amore, lunghe braccia XII l’una" (p. 9)

a goalkeeper (?) in the form of Fama
"Uno portiere suvi el Triomfo della Fama, bello / fiorini 20" (p. 9)

A book of Petrarca, including between other texts the Perarca Trionfi
"Uno libro di messer Francesco Petrarca, Canzone, Sonetti, Trionfi, di carta di caveretto, scritto in penna et miniato ricamente, coperto di velluto verde, serrami e bullette d’ariento" (p. 58)

A book of Petrarca, including the Petrarca text, special notes to 4 tondi (round pictures of Muses ?) and a sun picture (?)
"Uno libro dell’opera del Petrarca, Trionfi prima storiati et miniati scritti di penna e carta di caveretto e Canzone, Sonetti et Vita di Dante, coperto di raso chermisi com più compassi, cioè sei da ogni lato con arme smaltate, 4 borchie da ogni lato, a ogni canto una, et quattro tondi smaltati entrovi le Muse e uno in mezo con uno sole con più profili di cornici e d’ariento dorato ogni cosa" (p. 59)

six pieces of cloth ?storiati? di trionfi (clothes used for trionfi activities?) (carneval costumes?)
"Sei pezzi di panno storiati di trionfi / fiorini 3"


There seems to have been a strong favor for the figur "Fama".

Most interesting is this note about a Bacchus Trionfo with 21 figures


"Una stoletta di bromzo" It maybe a rectangular fabric of silk and cotton panel or stole shaped like a pallium of the church. Most likely a panel for wall decoration with embroidery. Bromzo is the Fabric. ~Rosanne


Sounds plausible. Did you find "Bromzo" as a producer (name of a producer)? Or means the word "fabric"?


Bear with me Huck :D

See this...
The Celestina (used as title, synecdoche, one of the characters of the book actually called Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea or Libro de Calisto y Melibea y de la puta vieja Celestina) is a novel published anonymously by Fernando de Rojas (about whom we know little) in 1499. This book is considered to be one of the greatest in Spanish literature, and traditionally marks the end of medieval literature and the beginning of the literary renaissance in Spain. It is a Tragic comedy and has 21acts.
Now in the play the tipsy (stupid drunk) Celestina gets her words mixed up and says Madonna, Lucretia, che e uscita fuora per un bromzo daque per me, ...

The panel or stole shaped fabric is a fake bronze plaque- made of fabric(possibly wool) but with silk embroidery of 21 acts of Celestina. It was a common pun type statement after 1500- sort of like "I see you have a Bromzo???" (might not be actually Celestina but 21 pictures of a triumph that is not in Bronze)


Rosanne said:
Bear with me Huck :D

See this...

Now in the play the tipsy (stupid drunk) Celestina gets her words mixed up and says Madonna, Lucretia, che e uscita fuora per un bromzo daque per me, ...

The panel or stole shaped fabric is a fake bronze plaque- made of fabric(possibly wool) but with silk embroidery of 21 acts of Celestina. It was a common pun type statement after 1500- sort of like "I see you have a Bromzo???" (might not be actually Celestina but 21 pictures of a triumph that is not in Bronze)

I don't understand really ... I see that the word Bromzo is connected from two sides to the number 21. Once there are 21 figurazze in the inventory of Lorenzo, now I've 21 acts of Celistina. Is that "Bromzo", which somehow has the color bronze, imaginable as a 3x7 matrix-picture scheme used on this


It is a Pun. Bromzo daque = Bronze Plaque with 21 scenes on it- but not Bronze but Fabric. The word Bromzo became to mean 'fake' taken from the pun in Celestina which must have been a very popular story.


The inventory was written before the comedia could change the word. 1492, the copy of 1512.

I can understand, that Bromzo can become a "fake-word" of Bronce. But why twice the 21 ... just a strange accident?



In Celestina somebody falls of a ladder finally. A 3x7 matrix .... it's possible to interprete this as a ladder.

The inventory tells:
"Una stoletta di bromzo, coè del Trionfo di Baco con 21 figuruzze / fiorini 10 "

The price seems rather high.
I can imagine somehow a peace of cloth, used around the neck, looks like bronze, but is made from wool and silk. It shows 21 pictures (or figures)


I found this sentence in the description of Celestina (and it just sounds as a joke in the current situation):

"There are two versions of the play; one is called a Comedy and has 16 acts, the other is considered a Tragic Comedy and has 21 acts."

... :) ... first 16, then 21 ...

Ross G Caldwell

Huck said:
I found this sentence in the description of Celestina (and it just sounds as a joke in the current situation):

"There are two versions of the play; one is called a Comedy and has 16 acts, the other is considered a Tragic Comedy and has 21 acts."

... :) ... first 16, then 21 ...

LOL - Huck, come on :)

Use your time for some real, relevant research.

But if we're going to play with the idea, which trumps do you think would make a Comedy, and which five extra would make a Tragic Comedy out of the series?

And why isn't the Fool (a very funny figure) in either of them? (okay, maybe he's not counted)
