Lots of swords in my Mom's reading


Now, to be clear, my mother is NOT a fan of the tarot. In fact, if she knew I did a reading for insight about her, she'd be livid. But I tried a reading for insight into her life right now, what she's going through, how things are with her... Just a CC spread with no particular question in mind. I'm writing this from work right now, and I don't have the diary entry of the exact cards she got, but I remember she got quite a lot of swords. 10, 9, 2...She also got a couple of wands (7/W in the "what others perceive" position), and only one Cups card. And I can't remember for the life of me which one. When I get home, I'll update this thread with the exact layout, and what I think it might mean for her, but the one thing that struck me was there were an awful lot of swords.

So my question is this: what would you make of this abundance of swords? Do you think it may have something to do with her health (which has not been good for quite a few years now)? I'm using the Gilded Tarot and I can't seem to find anything in the book that says what it might mean to have one suit dominate a spread. I know if it's made up of Majors, it means that the message is a big one. But I haven't seen anything about the suits. Any opinions welcome!


Well, the Swords are about intellect, challenges, mind games, things like that. A predominance of one suit means, to me at least, that the energy (or characteristics, if you like) of that suit is predomininat. In general, the energy of Swords is the energy of intellect and communications.

10, 9 and 2, you say? It certaintly sounds like she's concerned about her health. It also sounds like she might be playing it up a little, having a 'poor me' attitude. As for the 7 of Wands, it sounds like people see her as possibly quite aggressive or defiant.

I think this should be in the 'Your Readings' section, though.


intuition897, while it would be much easier to help you with the reading if we knew all the cards and their positions, (and if you decide to put your reading here in AT-be sure to add your own interpretations first before asking for advice on it), it's really difficult to say what many swords can be.

however, overall, the swords suit is generally indicating communication & action. so even if she had alot of swords in her reading--it can be supporting the card beside it, and indicating she is thinking of something--looking into something, or voicing her opinion/thoughts regarding something. the swords by itself is nothing to worry about w/o knowing for sure the position it holds within a spread. I wouldn't worry about having so many swords in the reading. it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. so, if you feel the need to still find out more on this reading-when you get the chance, do put the whole reading on here, along with the positional meanings and your thoughts as to what they can mean, and ask for advice on it.


Hi intuition897,

if you intend to post a whole reading for discussion, it will need to go to the Your Readings section of Aeclectic, and you will need to add your own interpretation of all the cards in the spread to comply with Aeclectic's purpose as a learning environment.

Using Tarot Cards is for a general discussion of single cards or combos, not for discussing whole readings.

Thanks for understanding!


My apologies. The question I had, although it was poorly worded, was just about the significance of the predominance of one suit. Namely, swords. I did start to meander into a gray area where it seemed I was asking for a full reading. I did mean only to ask the one question but was giving the background for context. If this still belongs in the readings forum, please do move it. Otherwise I'll post a second thread there later with my own interpretation.

Thanks for the responses.


intuition897 said:
...was just about the significance of the predominance of one suit. Namely, swords.
With reference only to this part of the question/post, I have found that a prominence of Swords in one spread often means that the seeker (and that would be you) is over-thinking the situation. The topic may be one that breeds a lot of conflict, and the need may be one where more open communication is indicated (in other words, you may need to go to the source and talk about it in order to get the real answers you seek.)

In a case where you're doing a reading about someone else without that person's knowledge or "permission", I tend to wonder how accurate a response you may get might be. IF tarot works by tapping into your own subconscious thoughts or intuition on the subject, then, is it possible that your take--conscious or subconscious--is skewed? I don't really know, but I would take that into consideration, too, and it's something I think about quite often.


Your concern for your mother seems quite genuine and I don't think there's any harm in doing the reading.

Being an older person myself, I understand what it's like. I'd just say that your mother is doing a lot more intellectual things than physical or romantic pursuits. That's not uncommon for an older person who might not be able to or might not feel like being out and about as much as when they were younger.


An abundance of one suit can certainly point to something worth taking note of but Swords do not necessarily mean her health, it could just be her concern for you using Tarot... and you will be surprised at what a Mother knows and 'doesn't' say. Or even that she has allot on her mind at the moment.

It really depends on whether you see one suit as representing one type of condition (ie thoughts/intellect), I personally don't and I look at the spread at the time and how the cards react towards each other. I think that's why it may benefit you to post the whole reading, saying which deck you used.

Edited to add, that I agree with Grizabella that your intent is good. I would have no problem in reading about another person if my intent was to help them out of concern.


starrystarrynight said:
In a case where you're doing a reading about someone else without that person's knowledge or "permission", I tend to wonder how accurate a response you may get might be. IF tarot works by tapping into your own subconscious thoughts or intuition on the subject, then, is it possible that your take--conscious or subconscious--is skewed? I don't really know, but I would take that into consideration, too, and it's something I think about quite often.

I wondered this, too. My guess is that all I would get are the impressions from my own subconscious. And while I don't think this is without value, it may not give me as much insight as doing a reading with her participation. I know, because of her religious views, she would not agree to this, so I asked for general insight on her behalf. I don't think I did anything wrong by doing a reading for insight into Mom's situation. It was with her benefit in mind that I did it, and the cards aren't going to show you anything you weren't meant to know anyway. If the cards could be interpreted as saying 'mind your own business', then I guess that's that. :)


Oh, no...I don't think there is anything wrong with your doing the reading, either--especially since your intentions were good. But, like I said, I do wonder how much a subject's input contributes to making it a better reading than you could get without such input. (Which is probably a topic for another thread! :))