Ludy Lescot Study Group, any interest?


Welcome Machelle. The more the merrier :party:
And this is still rather an active group so although we started some time ago we still post almost weekly. I use this deck almost exclusively these days and I think MaineGirl117 is the same.


Thank you so much for the warm welcome. :) I guess I didn't look very closely. I do see some activity from about a week ago. :p

I'm really excited about this deck. It's usually not something I would go for but there is something about it.


I'm really excited about this deck. It's usually not something I would go for but there is something about it.
I didn´t take this deck very seriously at first either but now it´s my main deck. It never ceases to amaze me and the more I study it the deeper it seems to take me. Even just the daily quickies are amazingly accurate. I had to remember to take my red address book to work one day and that morning my card was the Page of Wands with that red book in his hand! I´ve got loads of such examples in my notebooks.


As do I :) All the symbolism in this deck has really stimulated an intuitive part of myself that transcends traditional book meanings (not that they're not applicable, but they're just modified... you'll see :) ). This deck has also lead me down some very interesting avenues of learning, including Alchemy, mythology, animal totems, symbolism, angellic significance and understanding chakras. When Ludy wrote her forward in her LWB about concordance with Nature and how everything is connected - she wasn't kidding!

Hemera is right, this is my primary deck and even though I *think* I've memorized the images of the cards, something new always comes up.

Please feel free to share any and all thoughts, even the ones you ask yourself "did I see that right?" The minute I took that leap of faith in the Tower card, and allowed my imagination to be reborn, this deck just opened up to me :love:

La Force

I just wanted to thank all of you for your efforts and study group of this deck, I've been humming and hawing about it, then I finally after reading all your post about your study of the cards, I order the deck, I will add my take on the cards as I work through learning and studying this deck.

On the first day I received my deck I thumb through the deck card by card several times, I found that I disliked only 3 cards ( High priestess, Judgement, 3 of swords ) I seem to be at a stage in my life and level with my tarot study, to have strangely connected with all the card, weird. I will agree that this deck draws you in. there was only one other deck that I fully connected to, so it is nice to have another.

La Force


Great to have you join us!:)
Looking forward to your comments!


So nice to have you join us La Force! None of us really liked the 3 of Swords in the beginning, but some interesting interpretations have come out of it! I got a package from a friend with a set of four glasses, three of which were broken with this card... I almost ran over an an animal in the road when I drew this card (I imagine my face looked like the woman's) etc..

Judgment card makes me think of a rock concert, and sometimes it'll be there to tell me about a song on the radio :D

The HP.. she'll grow on you... mysterious lady! :)

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!!


The HP.. she'll grow on you... mysterious lady! :)
This is so true! I didn´t like her much at first but now I see all of the good Mermaid qualities in her. (What are they? Hmm, not quite sure yet :) But I´m working on it!)

La Force

Artistic Comparison with Favole

Hello ladies

I have been doing some comparison with these two decks, as you already know I am using the Favole Tarot to replace a card or two and in conjunction with for learning purposes. What I noticed is that the black tears as we first thought, well I am feeling it is more of artistic expression than a symbolic meaning to it. I have taken a photo so you can see. It seems like this is the tread in European countries that are creating Gothic decks to add this artistic flare so to speak in the cards.

Now I have a question I am hoping you will be able to answer it?

Masks and clown in these Gothic styled decks, what do you thing is the meaning behind in depicting them in Gothic styled decks? take a look at the pictures I have attached. Is this a European artistic style, or other? very curious here in it's relevance.


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like all good gothy decks...

This one can rise from the dead here now. I just bought it at Readers Studio 2015 in NYC and have a crush on it, especially the stellar little white book. I think it adds so much to it. I will write here about things as it comes up for me, and will read a lot of what is here. I hope others do too!