Magic vs Sorcery


I've been reading things, and one thing is puzzling me (well, one thing amongst others).

What is the difference between magic and sorcery? I understand there is a difference but can't figure it out. Thanks in advance for your input. :)


Apart from the etymological differences, Magic is often used to refer to any act which seeks, ultimately, to work with and understand the various inner levels of the world, with or without 'binding'.

Sorcery seeks to 'bind'.

There is such cross-over in the ways these terms are variously understood, however, that it becomes difficult to clearly articulate the various shades of meaning each term has developed in different cultural or geographical areas.

I still prefer to view Magic as the ritualistic acts which manifest within particular contexts - religious and other. It may do this in ways which demonstrate or utilise mastery over the elements. Sorcery I personally have a more negative view of (though the term seems to also have developed specific meanings in some American literature), in that it seeks to constrain, inhibit, sicken or control another living being.

These views, of course, are not universally shared.


To me magick is more the neutral all-over term whereas I also see - like jmd - sorcery as the binding "malvolant" part althought I don't distinguish in white and black magick which you often find in European or African/Oriental and Southamerican beliefs.

To me magick is neutral and only depends on the "user's" intentions. If s/he is inclined to cause damage etc to others s/he practices sorcery.


I have thought about this for awhile, Diana, and I don't have an intellectual response.
It appears to me that one harnesses the Universes energys for a positive reason (magic) and sorcery is otherwise.
I realise that magic used for a somewhat unethical purpose would be called magic, but at this stage I see it as sorcery?


my definitions are strictly from my own head, so take them with a grain of salt. :laugh:

i see magic as working with nature/the elements and the spirit world or other 'power(s) that be'.

i see sorcery as trying to control any of the above.


Sorcery is working to impose our will on the universe but WHITOUT knowing how it is done, how it work, what's behind it.

Magic is working to impose our will one the universe but WITH the understanding of how it work, how it's done and what's the mechanics of it.

Sorcery is Magic whitout the Intellectual understanding, it's doing magic that we know it work but don't know how !!!

Love, Light & Power


Wow, I guess my views are very different.

In my particular tradition of witchcraft (and in no way am I suggesting all witches will go for this) magic refers to nearly all of the spiritual activity/interaction and sorcery is very specifically the use of spells.

So, for my tradition: healing, divination, astral travel, sorcery, hermetic ritual, dream work, channeling etc. are all "magic" and from that list sorcery is specifically spells, charms, and enchantments.

I completely understand that language is important to all of us and that words liek magic are particularly loaded (check out the "tarot is magic" thread) but I am always surprised by the negativity people associate with the use of spells.

I cannot wrap my mind around a definition of sorcery that deosn't also see it as magical in nature.


Interesting how definitions can differ ;)
For me astral travel is Shamanic magic.
but these are just words to help us differienciate things so we can understand them better, the important is to adopt one definition and work with it...
Another things interesting is multiparadigm working wich means being able to changes his viewpoint to adjust it with a new practice.
when i work with shamanism i adopt the rules of shamanism as a state of mind, when i work with tartot i'm in the tarot matrix and sames for Ritual magic, sorcery ...

btw Carlos Castaneda have publish massive amount of information about south american shamanism and he see it verry much simmilar to sorcery or to the Warrior way, verry verry interesting stuff !!!

Love, Light & Power