Magician as a pet?


La Razia, your post makes me smile - I'm all warm and fuzzy because of your excitement and love for your kitty-to-be.

I think Mozart will do what he wants, but you won't mind, because he's such an individual - and you're in love - you can't keep your eyes off him..

Make sure there aren't any lilies around (the RW has lilies on it which aren't good for kitties).


I agree with Thirteen that the Magician card for a pet means this pet is going to be magical and charm your pants off. this will be the cat that will be full of himself, but well behaved too, I think. He/she will be very wise and the center of attention.

I think the name 'Mozzart' is very becoming for this pet if you get him. It sounds like it already fits him! Like Thirteen said, again, Mozart was a genius and a magician with music. :)


Thank you so much guys for being so active on this thread!


I agree with grooming, but I wasnt speaking about combing him because I will do that gladly myself but persian cats require a monthly bath that has to be done in a specific fashion since their fur is specific so I would like to entrust a Professional because I think I would be clumsy and not give him the care he would need to have.

And yes, Mozzart is the name of the kitty. I have also seen that the owners have 4 other kitties besides him,and one of the kitties they gave away now belongs to the King and Queen! ( we have a king and queen in my country, kind of like the royal family in the UK ) so Mozzart appears to have a royal sibling. The owners have done this kind of persian breeding for a long while and give out kitties to very important people, so I guess it is kind of magical.

I will post a picture of him here on the thread if that is ok, just so we can all see if there is any Magician-likeness in him!


I know! Pyewacket! (Familiar spirit)

Like someone else said he's going to charm your socks off, and think circles around you, keeping you on your toes, provide many years of entertainment, love & perhaps a bit of frustration, but only because he'll find ways to outsmart you. It'll be a great relationship; good luck to you!

ETA: Sorry, I hadn't read far enough to see he already has a name. I still like Pyewacket though...


It was so funny, when I read the title of your post "Magician as a pet", my first thought was must be a cat. Independent, curious, forever exploring, a healthly cat. Enjoy, have loved all of my cats.

Chimera Dust

My first thought when I read the title of this thread was Mr. Mistoffelees, the original conjuring cat. ;)


I say he's going to make mice disappear from one place, and magically reappear in another. :)


So, did you get kitty? Or are you too busy snuggling with him to let us know how sweet he is? C'mon, inquiring minds want to know. I want to hear about you loving on your new baby...


I admit, I did not believe you about the necessity of bathing Persians. Or any cat. Till I looked it up. But Persians have more fur than any cat on the planet & should be brushed daily, which they usually love. If you do that, you may not need a bath every month-"If you are grooming daily a bath should only be needed every three to six weeks (unless you have a show cat)." This was from a Yahoo Persian cat grooming place. They did say that you need to be careful about bathing too often, it will dry out their skin. I have a Himalayan & a long-haired calico that showed up suddenly, that 'only' need brushed (hah! one bites while brushed, then attacks my calves when I run away. The other one loves it too much, she leaves my legs bloody but I learned the Towel Trick).