Marseilles Seekers Thread (sixth Exercise)

Hooked on TdM

Okay got it! I should have a chance to do it Monday or Tuesday.. depending...



6th Exercise - spread 1

X Baton - VII Coupe - Chevalier Despee

It contracts, zooms in, and concentrates. It becomes one-pointed.

The Batons go away, only leaves and vines remain. The red diamond in the center of the Batons rhymes with the red diamond on the saddle blanket behind the Knight.

What is happening here?

The wine flows in through the smallest opening and fills the cups - it is the Knight's duty not to allow this. He intends to whack them with his sword! :laugh:

How do I feel?
Vigilant, protective.

If I am understanding you correctly, Enrique, you are asking us to go into our own memories, so here's mine:
When my kids were very small, I had a lot of trouble with people wanting to hang out and party, sneak things into the house, things like that. I didn't want that element around those babies - I didn't care what people did, I just wanted them to take it someplace else. I had to stay on my toes and be a kind of bouncer, like the Knight. A lot of stuff went down the sink and toilet, lol.


6th Exercise - spread 2

Le Ivgement - Roy De Bastons - Valet de Deniers - Royne De Deniers

Again, it contracts, the three people become the King, Valet, and Queen. The crypt rhymes with the base of the King's throne. The lively grey-blue mountains behind the family rhyme with the flat baseboard behind the Valet. The coins all rhyme. The scepters rhyme, but the Kings' is a lot meaner-looking.

What is happening here?

The angel's radiance is too much for the people, and they dissipate.

The people would rather contemplate their STUFF, like the Queen, or someone else's STUFF, like the Valet is doing. It's like an opiate to them, and they are oblivious to that Baton King enthroned on a crypt with his oversized, stabby-pointed scepter. I don't like they way he's looking at them (the same way the Deniers people look at coins), I think he might be some kind of fascist. He will get his use out of them and dispose of them.

How do I feel?

Frustrated. A little sad. When confronted with something brilliant and incisive, something liberating, the majority will always turn away. I see that often. :(


6th exercise - spread 3

Le Diable - Le Fov - VIIII Deniers

It zooms in, from a tableaux of three people, to one, all the way down to little coins and flowers. The Devil's forked stick rhymes with the Fool's stick that holds his pack. The Devil's breasts rhyme with the Fool's bells and the coins. The weird face on the right-hand figure by the Devil could rhyme with the face on the Fool's walking stick. The penises rhyme, in a non-sexual, incidental way. Getting ahead of myself, but I feel like I'm invading someone's privacy with this combo.

What is happening?

The Show is packed up and taken on the road to the next job.

How do I feel?

Wistful. I know what this is.

The Devil reminds me of those old carnival sideshows. I saw one once when I was twelve. There was a big painted sign with a picture of a two-headed cow, and a woman who was "half-seal" - it showed a kind of seal mermaid. The barker insinuated that she was the product of an "unholy bestial union." We knew it was BS but we paid and went in to see what they were talking about.
There was a taxidermied calf with an extra head sewn on it, and a little blond woman with tiny, folded, deformed arms that maybe reminded you a little bit of flippers. A man was putting glitzy eye makeup on her (she couldn't reach).
They didn't look at us. I didn't blame them. It was a weird feeling, I admired her toughness and felt ashamed I'd gone in there. I wish I'd met them under different circumstances.

The Devil isn't really a devil, or a seal woman. The props get packed up and put in the bag. One of the Devil's "prisoners" is just a walking stick and the other is a just little animal that's been clawing at him for so long, he doesn't even look at it. He's just looking toward the next place, where he can make a little more money. And kind of looking past that, at the flower. Maybe it's a dream he has, that sustains him.

I hope so.


I've been experiencing some confusion this week. I keep searching for the question that is not there. Who is this reading about? Is it about me? Is it about someone else in my household? Is it about someone that I do not know? What is the question here? I keep wanting more input. I have to keep reminding myself there is no question, and it's not about me! We do readings, in part, in order to learn to walk in others' shoes. The question, "How does this feel?" however, keeps bringing me back to wanting to focus the readings on myself. Finally, I realized that I had to stop shuffling -- stop trying to read too much into the cards -- and continue the exercise of going through the whole deck systematically, in order to distance myself from the narratives and their messages.

Here's one of my exercises:

Two of Coins, Valet de Bastons, L'Emperatrise

What is happening? The Valet de Bastons offers a handmade object to the Empress, which she refuses to take. The Two of Coins shows a lathe, a wood-carving machine, by which the Valet has made his gift for the Empress, but her arms are full, and she doesn't feel that she needs what he offers. She already has a perfectly fine baton, thank you very much, and she also holds a shield on her lap to protect herself from his advances.

How does this feel? This feels like a rejection of something that the Valet worked hard on and gives with the best of intentions. For the Empress, it feels like an imposition. She is too good for this man, and he and his gift don't measure up to her expectations.


Stella and Mosaica:

Those are fantastic exercises. I will post more feedack later on the day.




Thanks! :D
This has been my favorite.


LS Vacchetta:

Ace Coins | Emperor | King Batons | World

I drew the 3 "figure cards" first. All look to the left (even the eagles!), so I drew a card to see what they were looking at: the Ace. The main head on the coin looks back at the Emperor. The rhyme falls (World stands on a platform, King stands on floor, Emperor sits, Ace hovers just above the Emperor's knees)

What is happening here?
Everybody's got an eye on the cash - for the project to succeed, the manager striving to realize it needs more money.

How do I feel?
This project will ultimately be successful if everyone involved comes to understand that it's presently underfunded.


7 Cups~Judgement~6 Swords

Ths one made me laugh when I saw it.

The 7 of Cups~ are myself and my six other siblings...see the cup in the middle surrounded by the leaves?
That's my little brother who was born after all the rest of us and we always had to watch and take care of him.
See the cup right above the little brother...that's me the first born always responsible for the others.

Jundgement~ is my mother calling us to get out of the swimming pool...see how we are shivering as we look up at her....we used to go swimming in any and all weather no matter how cold it was.
"Time to come in, I can't watch you anymore I have to start dinner."
We had to transform from slippery dolpins into plain mortal children again.

6 Swords~ is the old couch fabric downstairs where we watched T.V.
The same reds and golds and black plaid with the little blue flowers in the center.
After we got out of the pool we would grab a handful of chocolate chip cookies and head downstairs to vie for the best position on that old couch.
Dripping wet with our damp beach towels wrapped around us we would watch Gilligans Island.

How do I feel~
Stess/confinement from the resposibility of always watching the younger ones, and I can feel the cold and how our fingers would shrivel up and we would look like prunes...warmth of the towel wrapped around me.
Comfort and feeling of safety sitting on the couch downstairs...also how good it felt to rest after all the physical activity of swimming for hours.
Competion for the best place on the couch.
I can feel one or another shoving and josling for space...and crys of "I can't see!!! Your big head is in the way!!!"


lark, I always love your readings.
I wish I could see things like that....

off to grab my deck and see if lark has inspired me to see......differently.