Medicine Cards by David Carson & Jamie Sams


I very seldom, use a "spread". In fact, in all honesty I believe I've used the spreads that are indicated in the book no more than 5 times. When and if I even use the cards I will usually pull three position defined...just the animals speaking to me. The reason I say "if I use the cards" is because my book is worn OUT! LOL

I often will meditate with my book in my hand, with my eyes closed of course, and I will randomly open the book at any page and take my message in that fashion. I've done many a reading for others in that fashion and they have been very "insightful" and quite "spot on" where the issues are for the individual at the time. I know it is not the "proper" way of doing things but it works for me.

Fulgour, did you pick your 7 or 9 animals from the deck yet?
Obviously, I'm sure you have guessed that my totem animal (East) is Raven. :)

How do you do your spreads?


Medicine Cards : 4 Corners Spread

1 3 5 7 9

The cards are drawn in order, one through nine.
As they are laid on the table, however, the cards
1 3 5 7 9 are laid face down, and 2 4 6 8 face up.

Picking one at a time from any of the face down cards,
they are then paired to one of the face up corner cards.

There's no right or wrong, just a spontaneous association.
When all four corner cards have been paired in this way,
the last card remaining (still face down) is turned face up,
and placed in the center of the spread. It is the main card.

The position meanings of the 4 Corners is your own choice.
The significance of the pairs, and how they relate to the one
central card is what the reading itself will then determine.

Created 2004 by Penelope and Fulgour.


I will try this spread this evening. It seems to be interesting.

I am presuming that there is a specific question that is asked before the draw. Am I correct?


The Choice is Yours

The Animal Companions bring their tidings for any questions,
or simply come to help you discover more about the present.

Absolute freedom is the whole idea...


I like your concept!

You have grasped the true meaning of this deck! It's not like any other in my opinion.

I will let you know what I come up with when I do the spread.
Thank you for sharing :)