MetaBarons Tarot

Le Fanu

Just got a "Not Available Yet" email from Amazon and had to confirm that I still want the item.
Don't worry, it'll come soon. You can live without it. I see it everywhere in Europe. You get the better deal - Pamela Colman Smith in a tin easily available in the US, MetaBarons easily available in Europe...


Don't worry, it'll come soon. You can live without it. I see it everywhere in Europe. You get the better deal - Pamela Colman Smith in a tin easily available in the US, MetaBarons easily available in Europe...
:laugh: Especially since the LoS deck is cheaper, I fear it's all of a sudden no longer going to be available.


As expected, Amazon canceled my order last night and now I'm going to raise holy youknowwhat.

Le Fanu

I fear it's all of a sudden no longer going to be available.
Do you want me to get you one? I see it around a lot here - approx 23 euros. I don't think you need to fear though. Amazon will get it in good time.


Amazon is honoring my lower pre-order price. I just had to re-order it and send them the new order number.

Anyone one else who pre-ordered the "from LoS" deck and had their order cancelled should contact Amazon Customer Service and tell them you want the lower pre-order price.


ETA: Thanks for the offer Mr. LeFanu. It's the principle of the matter that annoyed me.


Thanks for the strategy there, I was miffed that mine was cancelled as well.


There's been lots of movement with this deck apparently. Last night I got a delivery confirmation update of 7/24-8/7 and just now I got an update of 7/4-7/8. And today's 7/8 so it may be waiting for me when I get home. Time will tell....


No deck. I think Amazon mixed up the order of the emails they sent. The second email with today as latest delivery date should've come first and the first email with the August delivery date should've come second....


Got an email overnight that my deck should arrive tomorrow. At this point, I'll believe it when I see it.

Le Fanu

It can't possibly live up to all this anticipation :D