

I plan to order the kit with a hardcase snap lid and book

link to follow


Once I have the picture and description, I will ask Lily more detail.

I am eager fot the book in addition to the improved cards. My first LS was a minchiate etruria. I enjoyed its emblems.

Hope to hear more, especially as Florence in history seems to have been fun to read about for me.

Lillie said:
I've got this now.

I've got a kit with a book. I don't know if it's sold differently.
But the book is multi lingual, so not a lot of space for the English bit. Some info on Minchiate decks in general, meanings for the cards and a very complicated spread that I have puzzled over.

Nice cards though. They look very old. They look older to me than Marseilles do, even though I know that isn't true.

Le Fanu

Is this edition of the LoS Minchiate deck the same as the LoS one published a few years ago which went OOP?

I know that this one comes with a book but are the cards exatcly the same? With out of focus ones tweaked slightly?

I have three of the original LoS Minchiate Etruria (2001?) and wondering if I need this one... :D


I don't know, but the suspense is killin' me.

Someone bes' be posting some damn pics or something.

We in the States sit here in anticipation.


From the LS web site it looks like they have nice backs! I like the way the folded-over edges are printed on the fronts, too.


  • minchiate.jpg
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Le Fanu

Debra said:
From the LS web site it looks like they have nice backs! I like the way the folded-over edges are printed on the fronts, too.
It is indeed nice, but the 2001 edition had this. I'm particularly interested to know if the fuzzy ones have been corrected. Ric, where are you...?

My 2001 editions have nicely stiff cardstock. If nothing else, in 10 years cardstock always changes.

If I have Ric's ear, I'd love to know why this one was reprinted. I mean, I know it deserves to be etc etc. But I always thought that historical decks were a turn off for most people. Why have something *old* when you can have something with a fairy or a unicorn on it? Did people lobby LoS for this one to be reprinted? Or was there a general sense that with a book the deck might catch on more?

If so, does that mean lobbying works? So we could lobby for all the other OOP "Ancient Tarot of..." decks?


The backs are really nice, and it must have been the same backs from the original deck, because both the earlier LS deck and the Il Meneghello rendition have it.

I'm excited about this re-release. It was the first print of it that started a love affair with Minchiates. I'd received it by accident, as it happens, I'd won a Vieville on eBay (back before it became so cool to have one and prices were through the roof) and the seller sent me THIS one instead. I got in a fight with the seller, but finally decided to keep it anyway rather than suck up the loss of the return postage and trust the seller not to say she never got it and not refund me. I got a Vieville later anyway, and was very glad I kept the Minchiate :D I no longer have it, but would like to.

Le Fanu

Nice story! :D I remember the story of my first Minchiate.

I was in a tarot lull. I was in Brazil for 10 years and the only deck I had with me was the Ancient Italian which I bought from an amazing tarot shop (which I bet has probably closed now) in Copacabana.

Then I returned to Europe in 2004 and was not thinking of tarot. I went to the flea market one day and found the LoS Minchiate Etruria. I had never heard of this deck. It said "tarot" on the box but then I counted the cards in front of the stallholder and there were way more than 78. Such an odd number, 97. And there weren't even 22 clear Majors. I thought, "I know it's not tarot as I understand it and I bet there should be 100 cards so it's probably incomplete".

But the images fascinated me. I paid 5 euros for it thinking "Oh well, I can always use them as booksmarks". I got home and did a bit of research, found that 97 cards meant that it was, in fact, complete. I started reading about it and was smitten.


Le Fanu said:
Is this edition of the LoS Minchiate deck the same as the LoS one published a few years ago which went OOP?

I know that this one comes with a book but are the cards exatcly the same? With out of focus ones tweaked slightly?

I have three of the original LoS Minchiate Etruria (2001?) and wondering if I need this one... :D

Of course you do. If only for the book :D

You have THREE????!!!!!! :)

Le Fanu

Aerin said:
You have THREE????!!!!!! :)
By accident. The one I bought on the flea market, another one I saw irresistably cheap in a 2nd hand bookshop. Then my bf found a tarot shop abroad while on a trip and bought it thinking I didn't have it. Of course I've kept it.

I had four - found another one - but traded it with thin buddha.