moonchilds Dore/Bible tarot


l managed to track down moonchild mainly because l was concerned about this piracy business and also because of wanting her Tarot. We have exchanged several emails the first being her reply to me below, which moonchild has given me permission to quote as l know you were as worried and upset as me about the whole business. Good news is that her latest email says she will come back on to the forum, isn't that good news. Hopefully she will continue to press on and print her own deck very soon. l for one cannot wait and am really excited about it.

This is part of the email moonchild gave me permission to quote.

Thanks for contacting me. I’ve been struggling with this legal situation for years. My copyright has been upheld by the court in Ukraine, but the company (“Pyroskin”) has blatantly ignored the court’s order to stop selling the deck and reimburse me. Every time we get the infringement shut down at one hosting provider, they change to another. Unfortunately, the state of the Ukraine is such that enforcing a copyright infringement ruling is not top priority for the authorities. I had hoped to have it resolved before printing the deck, but it may never be resolved! Every once in a while I determine to forge ahead, but Life has seemed to have other plans. There is also an accompanying book in the works, but my work on it has been intermittent. So I’m taking your email as a sign to get back on it! Don’t give up hope!

One Love All Love,

Mods wasn't sure were to post this but as its about her DoreBible Tarot seemed the best place.


Yay! This is such a gorgeous looking deck. I always though it was on the forever un-obtainable list.

Moonchild, the Gamecrafter decks are printed on nice card stock and I don't believe the deck creator has to pay anything up front to get them printed. The boxes are a bit flimsy though. Just please don't go with Schiffer they use dreadful cardstock. There is already a Book that would go quite well with this deck so if your own isn't written yet you could still put the deck out. That might help with the piracy situation.

so excited!


myrrh l do hope moonchild comes back to the forum soon she would l am sure be pleased to read what you have to say, and to read your suggestions. :)


I probably should have said "Moonchild, when you come back, blah blah blah" to be more accurate. Was kind of excited to hear your quote from her email.


We will keep our fingers crossed that it won't be too long :)


I would like to personally apologize to Moonchild along with everyone else who's been affected by this issue. This is the first that I've heard about the ethical and legal issues with this deck as well as the people that currently sell it. But .....
I bought the deck from them a long time ago when they were selling it on Ebay


l think a lot of people at the time thought it was the original. Why not get yourself a nice new deck with a clear conscience when she gets to print her original deck. She deserves to at least recoup some of the finances she has had to spend out on the legal issues :)


Yay! This is such a gorgeous looking deck. I always though it was on the forever un-obtainable list. excited!

Me too, I toke it off my wishlist, hope I can put it there again ;D
I'll be glad to!!!! But I never buy from gamecrafter because shipping to europe in their big packages almost got me bankrupt when I bougth from them many many years ago.
:love: and :lightbulb


l agree catmoon about the charges from gamecrafter, never again. l am in the UK and l purchased an oracle deck from them and l was stung by customs charges which were nearly as much as the deck and postage :rolleyes:


That's great, hearing from moonchild :thumbsup:

Gamecrafter would be one option. Their postage charges have become sensible at last, and they no longer use the silly boxes - and the UK customs stuff is hardly their fault - it's the 8 quid the post office tacks on that gets my goat - I once had to pay that when the duty fee was 89p ! but you get that from amazon and other purchases too, nowadays - unless you can persuade a seller to mark the thing gift (the limit is a lot higher) - but as gamecrafter pointed out when I suggested that - they could be shut down for fraud if they did. I get mine shipped to a friend in the US and then either have her bring them when she visits or ship them over marked - yup - gift !

There's also Printers Studio, which some creators here swear by.