My first 3 rune reading


I decided to try my hand at reading more than one rune at a time. My question revolves around a friend of mine who is asking me for a lot of help lately. I'm trying to be patient with this person, but it's difficult. I know I need to work on that part of myself, so I decided to ask the runes what I can do about this situation.

Wunjo, Eihwaz, Kenaz

I was very happy when I first met this person! I was thinking, "yay someone else to share my hobbies with!"

I think the next 2 runes are telling me that I have decided to become a "teacher" and share my knowledge of our shared interests. It's like she is forcing me onto my path, even though I didn't know it was my path. Or a possible path I could take anyway.

Anyway, since this is my first attempt, I have only summarized my thoughts here. There is more to the story, but I don't like to share too too much... ya know?

Any thoughts are appreciated!
R :)


Not only is your friend helping find your path – you will change and grow as a result…and I do mean change…

For a first throw…this is huge.

Very very cool.


2nd 3 rune cast

This one is regarding a job I interviewed for on Wednesday (Feb. 12). Well, actually relating to work in general, but specifically that job.

Past: Isa
Present : Dagaz
Future: Wunjo

For the past year almost, I have been in a holding pattern with working. I've been home with my kids. The job market here is bad, so finding a job has not been easy. Heck, just getting an interview is hard! So, this is where I've been.

Now I'm really ready to get back to work and this job would be great. It's closer than the last job I had, so a shorter commute, it pays well, and it's something new and interesting to do, so I'll learn a new skill. Can't beat that! I am accomplishing some other things that I consider to be "work" as well. So this makes sense on more than one level.

Wunjo I'm starting to see many shades of. The shade I see most of the time now is "Be joyful on the outside even if you're a mess on the inside". Which is what I usually do anyway. LOL Maybe with this job there will be some REAL joy?

Any thoughts? Thanks!
R :)