Mystical Lenormand readings...


Hello, all...

I read Tarot, Playing Cards, and crystals with confidence... I now desire to expand into the world of oracles... I must confess, this is a daunting jump for me... I'm quite comfortable with the sytems with which I currently read (prolly cause I've researched the hell outta them! lol), but have never felt a connection with the non-structuredness of oracles... My intuitive abilities are good, but I must admit my trepidation with attempting to work with oracles... I can't exactly explain why.... so I'm just gonna leap in and offer three readings for feedback using my newly aquired 'Mystical Lenormand' cards... though I have done a bit of reading on the Lenormand system, I haven't studied it much at all... and the 'Mystical Lenormand' cards don't include the pictures of the traditional playing cards on them... so I think this would be a good first step for me in a new direction... I plan on using a four-card, general reading spread--asking what spirit wishes you, the seeker, to know....

The spread will look like this:


1 is the present
2 will cross that, offering more information on the present
3 will be the past
4 is the probable future

so... please let me know if you're interesting... if these first three go well I may attempt more... perhaps with the same or another oracle... thanks!



2 left....


Someone requested a reading via PM... which I've just completed... so... there are two readings still available for any interested.... just lemme know... thanks...



I would love one, no specific question thanks ;)


VoodooGyal... do you want your reading in the open forum or via PM?? just checking as to your preference... either way is fine for me... let me know... I'll hope to get to it this weekend...



Depends on the nature of the message. If you feel it's sensitive, then pm would be good ;) If not, I don't mind it being posted in the forum.


I'd like a reading as well, if you're still taking requests...


Voodoogyal's reading...

Hello, Voodoogyal...

Thank you for allowing me to read for you... I now open up and ask spirit what it is that you need to know at this time....

The first card I pull portrays a large snowy mountain with a man and his bison trekking along it... this card speaks to me of obstacles and hurdles that seem to get in your way... right now you are faced with some possible difficulties--hassles, delays, disruptions, etc... I feel it very important that you not allow yourself to be dettered or disheartened with anything right now... keep your goals in mind and keep working through things... keep moving forward.... though it may seem difficult right now, I feel you have the strength to achieve what you wish... don't allow yourself to feel overburdened or overwhelmed... prioritze... delegate... and keep pushing forward, not looking back and getting caught in the past and things that no longer serve you....

Your second card, the crossing card of the first, depicts a snowy scene as well... here a fox laps at water that's not yet frozen... this indicates to me that things are still able to move and flow, and the difficulties you may be experiencing haven't frozen things to a standstill.... the fox speaks to me that you need to be crafty and sly in some way--in a most positive sense... look at new approaches to things you've been working toward... think outside of the box... perhaps there are some new possibilities for you that you haven't even considered... now is time for you to 'test the waters' so to speak... try something new and different... use a sense of cunningness to your advantage... in the most loving and positive way possible... the fact that in your present position you have to 'cold' cards says to me that right now you might be feeling 'left out in the cold' for some reason... again, I feel the fox speaks of taking an innovative approach to your situation... I also get it's not a time to daudle... don't get bogged down and 'frozen' in your tracks... keep move... maybe pick up the pace??

Your third card which lies in the past position show a white dove carrying a letter... this indicated that there was some sort of news you received in the past weeks or months... possibly of a spiritual nature?? communication has definitely been key in your past... I feel there is a sense of purity and peace in the card, and you seem to have lost that now... return to that peace and calmness... look at your situation in the most spiritual light that you can... have you felt tested by spirit lately?? let down?? like the promise of good news that you once had, hasn't been delivered?? when looking at these three cards all together this seems to be a possibility... the energy of your past card needs to continue to flow into your present conditions... keep communication open, in all senses... with friends, family, co-workers, etc... and talk to spirit as well (god, goddess, the universe, your higher self, whichever your prefer)... pray and meditate... try to feel at ease with life again... and find hope for good news, despite any challenges... and keep pushing forward...

Your probable future card, and the last for this reading, depicts a stately looking woman looking directly at me... I feel this is definitely a message for you to keep looking straight on toward the future... not necessarily getting caught up with what to come that you forget to stay in the now... but just so you have an idea as to where you'd like to be going... you will be coming into a time of power for yourself in the coming weeks and months.... a time of great intuition and foresight... a time of great practicality and love... and the completion of some major cycle... you've certainly worked hard for this... so enjoy this period... feel a sense of accomplishment and pride... whether you're reaching a small goal or a large one... it will definitely be a time for you to enjoy... give yourself permission to do this... also use your intuition to address further goals and ambitions... I feel that October will be a significant month for you... just keep that in mind... looks to me as though your 'outcome' is one that you'll be happy with this card does seem warmer than the ones before it (in the present position)

Well... that's it for this reading... I hope there were some messages that assisted you in some way... This is only my third reading with this deck, and my second ever online in this fashion... I hope it helps... I'd appreciate any feedback you may have... thanks again for allowing me to read for you... take care...



CastleRock's will be the third and final reading for this thread... Castle, I'll try to get to your reading sometime in the next day or so... and I plan on posting it within the thread unless I feel guided not to...

for my first experience with online readings I will say that I've enjoyed it... I'm going to continue to work with the Mystical Lenormand cards as I do like them and find I'm connecting well with them... I'm reading them purely intuitively... gonna have to do a bit of research as to some of the traditional meanings.... and working with Oracles as opposed to playing cards or tarot is very interesting as well... I like it!!

I must admit, laying cards and then typing is a very interesting process!! I hope these readings are as helpful and accurate as those that I do in person... I guess only time will tell... so... that's it for now.. when Castle's reading is ready I'll post.... till then take care all...



CastleRock's reading...

Hello, and thank you for allowing me to read for you this evening... I prepared the cards and asked what spirit would like for you to know at this time...

The first card I pull, in the present position, show a large crescent moon with a shepherd sitting beneath it surrounded by sleeping sheep... I am immedialy reminded of all the associations the moon often has... Now is obviously an extremely intuitive and receptive time for you... Trust your intuition and psychic sense! Pay attention to your dreams... listen and pay attention for messages from spirit, be it a song on the radio, a series of numbers, a newspaper headline, or an over-heard conversation... synchronicity is in the works! I also want you to become aware of any cycles in your life... now is a time to take a step back and fully assess your current situation and see if there's a cycle involved in some way... now is a time to break forth from any unproductive actions and find clarity--using your intuition as a guiding force... remember... if you're looking for something, you don't want to look by the light of the moon, but rather by the light of the sun... tend to your "flock" (goals, loved ones, dreams, etc) and nurture them, and see change in your life... don't be surprised if some 'mysteries' are cleared up....

Your second card, your challenge, shows an egyptian sarcophogus... as a challenge this clearly tells me it's time to put some thing in their grave... there is need to assess anything which isn't of a positive nature, anything that doesn't serve your highest and best good, and bury it... remove it from your life... especially anything of a cyclical nature! to me this card speaks of letting things which have withered and died in your life, but put fully to rest... do not hold on to any past hurts any longer... put an end to any confusion... I also feel that some sort of ritual or prayer would also be beneficial at this time... and... with putting those things that no longer serve you to rest, you will open up new doors, avenues, and opportunities which are much more in line with your desires....

Your third card, in the past position, depicts a key inside an egg with a sleeping dragon laying beneath it... I immediately feel that in the past you allowed your power to be taken from you... you gave it away... 'put it to sleep'... not consciously however... I feel you felt like you literally had a 'key' to open up some grand opportunity, but with the cards in the current position, you haven't quite found the correct lock to use your key... know you are a powerful person... reclaim this power... again, use your intuition as a guiding force right now... there is a lot of stored up energy within you and it needs release... you still hold your key... and I'm confident you will find the correct lock and be able to open up... I am feeling as though you are protecting yourself in some way? and that you are cautious in some regard? not quite sure what to make of this feeling, and I'm not sure that I'm exactly getting if from any of the cards... just be cautious not to be overly cautious that you might miss some opportunity which may come your way... keep your boundaries up, just don't make them impentrable walls....

Your probable future card shows a scythe in a bail of hay being carried by an ox... this tells me that you will be going through an elimination period in the coming weeks and month... if you do not do it for yourself, spirit will do it for you! lol and trust me, you'd rather do than let spirt! you're very much on a journey and there are some current things which are holding you back... it's up to you to decide what this things might be.. discern them and use the energy of this card to get rid of em! heal old wounds... take care of your body... listen to it... get outside... get some reiki... treat yourself to some nice things... laugh.. and play... have a sense of humour about things and experiece a return to vitality... as you eliminate, you may feel lighter on your feet... though the image of this scythe is certainly 'sharp' I feel it presents a much need push for you clean up some areas of your life... give yourself permission to do so! and don't feel guilty...

Well, that's it CastleRock... I hope this reading has been of some assistance... I would greatly appreciate any feedback... thanks again for letting me read for you... take care...



Joermit said:
Hello, Voodoogyal...

Thank you for allowing me to read for you... I now open up and ask spirit what it is that you need to know at this time....

Thank you Joey for the reading, very intuitive reading and I feel that you connect well with your cards :) Your reading has given me food for thought and more curiousity about the future lol. What really surprised me is your pickup about October ..

The first card I pull portrays a large snowy mountain with a man and his bison trekking along it... this card speaks to me of obstacles and hurdles that seem to get in your way... right now you are faced with some possible difficulties--hassles, delays, disruptions, etc... I feel it very important that you not allow yourself to be dettered or disheartened with anything right now... keep your goals in mind and keep working through things... keep moving forward.... though it may seem difficult right now, I feel you have the strength to achieve what you wish... don't allow yourself to feel overburdened or overwhelmed... prioritze... delegate... and keep pushing forward, not looking back and getting caught in the past and things that no longer serve you....

This is so true and spot on, been feeling so disappointed lately, you put in nicely in words .. difficulties, hassles, delays, disruptions that seemingly gets in my way. My plans are not turning out how I was really pinning my hopes, so I'm having to deal with them, and your message of not feeling disheartened is something that I'm trying to struggle at the moment; almost at the point of giving up on the plans.

Your second card, the crossing card of the first, depicts a snowy scene as well... here a fox laps at water that's not yet frozen... this indicates to me that things are still able to move and flow, and the difficulties you may be experiencing haven't frozen things to a standstill.... the fox speaks to me that you need to be crafty and sly in some way--in a most positive sense... look at new approaches to things you've been working toward... think outside of the box... perhaps there are some new possibilities for you that you haven't even considered... now is time for you to 'test the waters' so to speak... try something new and different... use a sense of cunningness to your advantage... in the most loving and positive way possible... the fact that in your present position you have to 'cold' cards says to me that right now you might be feeling 'left out in the cold' for some reason... again, I feel the fox speaks of taking an innovative approach to your situation... I also get it's not a time to daudle... don't get bogged down and 'frozen' in your tracks... keep move... maybe pick up the pace??

Here is food for thought, something I need to look at the moment. Maybe there could be a way that i can deal with the plans. Yes, I do feel a bit "left out in the cold" in that my initial ideas are not fulfilled, instead I'm feeling like I'll have to go along with someone else's wishes .. or rather give it up and delay to next year.

Your third card which lies in the past position show a white dove carrying a letter... this indicated that there was some sort of news you received in the past weeks or months... possibly of a spiritual nature?? communication has definitely been key in your past... I feel there is a sense of purity and peace in the card, and you seem to have lost that now... return to that peace and calmness... look at your situation in the most spiritual light that you can... have you felt tested by spirit lately?? let down?? like the promise of good news that you once had, hasn't been delivered?? when looking at these three cards all together this seems to be a possibility... the energy of your past card needs to continue to flow into your present conditions... keep communication open, in all senses... with friends, family, co-workers, etc... and talk to spirit as well (god, goddess, the universe, your higher self, whichever your prefer)... pray and meditate... try to feel at ease with life again... and find hope for good news, despite any challenges... and keep pushing forward...

I was feeling really happy because I thought for real that the plan would take place after hearing from someone that I haven't heard from so long. Sorry for annoying with using the word "plan" ;) I just don't want to reveal too much in public. Anyway, I really believed at that time it was going to happen, I was feeling full of spirit, but right now, just been wondering if I was dreaming too high since it feels to me as if no one is really interested. Interesting that you spoke about keeping communication open, something that I'll need to work on instead of creating a block.

Your probable future card, and the last for this reading, depicts a stately looking woman looking directly at me... I feel this is definitely a message for you to keep looking straight on toward the future... not necessarily getting caught up with what to come that you forget to stay in the now... but just so you have an idea as to where you'd like to be going... you will be coming into a time of power for yourself in the coming weeks and months.... a time of great intuition and foresight... a time of great practicality and love... and the completion of some major cycle... you've certainly worked hard for this... so enjoy this period... feel a sense of accomplishment and pride... whether you're reaching a small goal or a large one... it will definitely be a time for you to enjoy... give yourself permission to do this... also use your intuition to address further goals and ambitions... I feel that October will be a significant month for you... just keep that in mind... looks to me as though your 'outcome' is one that you'll be happy with this card does seem warmer than the ones before it (in the present position)

Sounds comforting and welcoming :) You know it's really really weird that you mention October, wondering how did you pick that up? Just recently someone pass a message to me that October will be the time when everything will be working to my advantage.