Mythos Tarot


((((mythos))))) I am sorry for your loss.
You have been through a lot in the last years, and I hope that from now on things will start to go better for you, and that you will find new hope and a new home that will really suit you, with as little hassle as possible :heart:
I will keep you in my thoughts and sending you :love: and :WL


mythos said:
My mum died recently. It was sudden, although I have been living with her and nursing her for ages. Too much death ... first Dad, then Mum, and a cancer scare with my son.... oh and I will be losing the house too, not sure when and how much of a hiatus of homelessness will exist between this house (the one I grew up in) and another. Not painting ... merely mourning, packing up 28 years of horded junk, and mourning, mourning, mourning, and watching old movies in which smoking is not a crime.

I'm not here

but glad you all are

shirley - in mourning

PS: Why don't we women get to wear great little black hats with black lace trim like Barbara Stanwyck's in Double Indemnity? Okay, so she murdered her husband and thus was only faking mourning, but what a hat:cool:
So sorry to hear of your loss, mythos (((Shirl))) - I remember so many posts about your mum.....

But - if the hat would help - GET ONE !

Hang in.