New Vudu Tarot Kickstarter


Very good then :D. With 19 days to go, it may very well make or surpass the original campaign :grin:.

Oooh, I want Pazuzu AND Set as The Devil! How am I going to choose there?! :joke: Then alternates Thoth/Tehuti as The Magician and Sekhmet as The Chariot, yes! I'm having a fit over here :laugh:.

Hehe. I'm glad


I'm waiting on tenterhooks for this deck. I had to scale down so much, I almost feel guilty, but the artwork, the diverse bodies, the love and care put in. I had to have it. I've wanted so long for a deck to emphasize people of color, and it being a Vudu deck is perfect for me. I did name my dogs Magic and Papa Doc. :)

Luna's Crone


mine comes in february. i got the 45 dollar package. i thought just this once. i am so happy.


Any news on this? I ended up withdrawing my support for budgetary reasons, much to my chagrin at the time, but the campaign seems to have gone on and on with very few updates.

Am I wrong, or did I make the right decision?


Any news on this? I ended up withdrawing my support for budgetary reasons, much to my chagrin at the time, but the campaign seems to have gone on and on with very few updates.

Am I wrong, or did I make the right decision?
Some of the digital rewards (desktop backgrounds and screen savers) have been received. But that was August 21st, and I haven't heard anything since then. I'd actually forgotten about it until your post.



It looks as if the creator is still working on rewards. He periodically posts examples of personalized vector character art for KS contributors. As far as when the decks will be ready, he hasn't posted an update.


I got the second set of wallpaper rewards last night, so progress apparently is still being made.


I saw that Monroe posted in the comments about his commitment to finishing the deck. One commenter there has made it a very toxic place to be and that's probably adding undue strain for the creator. I'm hoping we get the deck this year.


I saw that Monroe posted in the comments about his commitment to finishing the deck. One commenter there has made it a very toxic place to be and that's probably adding undue strain for the creator. I'm hoping we get the deck this year.
:bugeyed: Just one? Just read through some of the Kickstarter update comments, and it seems like it's more than one. I wish he were a little more regular with updates, but on the other hand, time spent updating everyone is time he isn't spending on the finished product. I, for one, am content to wait.
