Numerology: 9


Curtis Penfold said:
In the Bahaii faith, 9 is a symbol of completion, wholeness. I mean, it's the last one digit number. You can't get more complete than that!
Thanks for sharing, i didn't know that and due to some ongoing synchronicity it does ring a bell!

Curtis Penfold

moderndayruth said:
Thanks for sharing, i didn't know that and due to some ongoing synchronicity it does ring a bell!

In Wikipedia, if you're interest, it explains:

"According to the Abjad system of Isopsephy, the word Bahá' has a numerical equivalence of 9, and thus there is frequent use of the number 9 in Bahá'í symbols. The most commonly used symbol connected to the number 9 is the nine-pointed star; there is no particular design of the nine-pointed star that is used more often than others. While the star is not a part of the teachings of the Bahá'í Faith, it is commonly used as an emblem representing "9", because of the association of number 9 with perfection, unity and Bahá’."'%C3%AD_symbols


crazy raven said:
9 is the most complicated of all the energies. It is the most difficult to live with or make sense of. But, until they understand its purpose, their life can seem like a never ending roller coaster ride. If they do not accept their emotional disposition, trauma after trauma may have to be experienced in order to reach that acceptance. The 9 mind expands and evolves in ways that most others will not experience. This enables them to feel love in its most profound and diverse forms. As Paradoxx says 9 can be a most wonderful and satisfying destiny path.

Their everyday affairs have to be dealt with differently to other people's. Often they have to travel in what seems like the wrong direction - backwards - in order to go forward.

9's can find all the love and friendship they want as soon as they stop looking for love and friendship for themselves and give out love and friendship to others instead.

In the negative 9's are aware of the deep satisfaction of being a humanitarin but instead will spend their time in dreaming or in going off in all directions at once. They then do not accomplish alot and feel dissatisfied.

Crazy Raven
thanks for this, have understood for some time how i have lived my life backwards, and it works well, my name and birth date both 9's,cheers :)