Object Still Lost


I have posted about this object before but I still cant find it and wish to have it back so I don't have to buy a new one.... It is my red PSP I got it for my B Day last year from my dad so it has value to me. So I am seeking more advice and divination using whatever means necessary to find it have checked all of the most common places I would leave it plus some places I wouldnt think of leaving it can anyone help would be happy to have it back. I will extend my gratitude to any and all who contribute their knowledge and results in helping be find it. thank you


There is a long tradition of using horary astrology to locate lost items. Unfortunately that is also a fairly technical discipline, and I am not aware of any good web sites.

Some people like to use pendulums. I have never had good luck with them or dousing rods regarding lost objects.


nor have i frankly my skill seems to be with power animals. I feel most at home using them. Ive asked but never got anything of a helpful clue lol


I'm trying again, this time with my tarot cards.
8 wands, someplace you go often, a commute, a path you don't linger on, to and from your home.
3 swords, air, moisture...it's raining in the card. The heart reminds me of a cherry tomato, where do you go for lunch?
Ace of swords, another sword...kind of a plain card...in an obvious or visible place.
Is there a "lost and found" someplace you go regularly?

My first pull was with madame Endora (Winds of Change and Greenman).


thank you for posting

I will give it some thought FB soon to come

juju lazuli

Hey Shadow...

I just got a new pendulum that I'm working with, I could give it a try with that and perhaps some others with pendulums might want to give it a go. Yes and no questions are easiest so here's my suggestion. Name every room in your house and any other likely locations and we can start from there and see what we get. At least it might narrow it down a bit.....


kool thanks i will get to the list in just a bit need to finish some oracle readings and then will continue to focus on that