Oh heck! Ive started TRIMMING!


Oh heck! I have just trimmed the first card of my beloved DruidCraft...its the 3 Of Swords...I hope I am doing the right thing!!!! :bugeyed:......I'm having a bit of a wobble!!!!! :bugeyed:


You can't stop now! You've started so you've got to go on. I've never trimmed a deck so can't give any practical advice, only moral support! :)

I'm sure you'll be fine. I'd love to have a go but clumsy is my middle name! :D


Ohh MY! Why havent I done this before? I have always loved the DruidCraft art but those darn white borders were irritating.....I have done about 15 cards & its like they are just coming to life in front of me.....This is sooo exciting!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D


I think I had my DruidCraft for 10 minutes before I had the scissors out! They're beautiful trimmed, I love mine! :) Congrats on your first trimming!!


May I recommend taking your scissors to a Thoth ? I was amazed. It is the only deck I've ever trimmed - but - WOW !


i have a nice large Thoth, cant seem to read with it but the art is stunning! Im still snip, snip, snipping & Im loving the results!! If I can figure out how to Il post a pic of a few of my faves when Im done :D Ive never been brave enuf to trim before!!!!!!! :D


ALL DONE!!!! & i JUST LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! :D


  • trimmedDruidCraft.jpg
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Congrats MysticalMoose~ your 'new' DruidCraft looks beautiful~ :D

ENJOY!!! :heart:


Oh it's gorgeous, of course! You are my hero. I'm still not brave enough to try.



Tarot Sutra

should I trim it? I love the font used but can't stand the keywords. This deck could be beautiful w/o borders. What do you think?

And what would you guys recommend as far as fixing the backs of them? I'm not that fond of the naked couple on the backs, but will live with it if no other way. But maybe someone has some genius idea? ;)